Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

What a great day at church today. Loved sitting in with the band this morning. So, lets dump:
  • This was probably my toughest week in ministry. I feel great today.
  • Great so many new faces over the last month or so. I told you guys this was our year :)
  • Aaron is doing a killer job leading worship.
  • Still have some issues we need to address with noise coming from the kids classrooms. We are going to kick around some idea's this week.
  • April on keyboards today. How cool was that?
  • Nice to finally meet Aaron Suchomma. Heard a ton about him. He did not look like I would have pictured. I was thinking a Brett Clone. That he isn't :)
  • Small group at the Hammitt's on Tuesday. I love small group :)
  • April just made me take her to Baskin Robbins for dessert. Usually she does that at anything earlier is a good thing.
  • We are working on a mens ministry. Could be a cool thing.
  • This week we talked about Hell....Next week it's Heaven.....A much lighter topic I must say.
  • I felt like I really needed to bring it today on the topic of Hell. I know I might have stepped on some toes but the simple fact its....It's a real place and I would like to keep as many people as possible from going there.
I am out. Gonna chill with my bride. She needs a little attention tonight.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday Morning Thoughts

  • We've made no secret about some of the changes that we are wanting to make at Real Life. The main notion is that we want to expand the leadership base at Real Life. As such, we are making some changes with our worship, promotions, administration, and a host of other areas. The process isn't going to come without a price.
  • So, what price will we pay? There are a host of costs that come with making these changes. First, we are likely to experience some failures before success. As painful as failure is it often comes before success. When you are learning to ride a bike you have to learn to fall before you can ride the bike. For us, as we put new people into leadership there are likely to be some failures. People will miss the mark with respect to communication. There is always a learning curve. And finally, people will just plain make a bad decision or two.
  • The important thing for us as a body is to extend a measure of grace to those who are stepping up into new positions. Grace allows people the opportunity to learn without feeling the pressure of everyone demanding perfection.
  • What other prices will be paid? It means that all of us will do more and less at the same time. As we grow larger and larger what we do as leaders, workers, and church members should become more focused on what we are really good at. For me, as the pastor, for the first year and a half of our churches existence I pretty much had a hand in everything that went on.
  • Today, I am finding myself involved in fewer things, making fewer decisions and focusing more on what a pastor should be doing. Being the primary teacher, providing for the administrative structure of the church, being a general overseer of the church and it's ministries, and keeping everyone true to the vision of the church. I will admit that isn't always easy. This church has been my baby. But, much like we as parents have to surrender "our children" and turn them over to God's care because really they are "his children." I find myself trying to, and sometimes struggling with, turning the church over to God because ultimately it's his baby and not mine. I am here to be a steward of his church.
More to come later.....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

Felt great to be back teaching today although I didn't end as strong as I wished. I made the mistake of looking at the clock....I should never look at the clock:)

So lets dump:
  • Band sounded good today. Jake did a good job for his first time drumming with the band.
  • Good start to the new teaching series.
  • Felt empty with so few kids in church today. Way too quiet! I am used to noise and chaos....what's up with that?
  • Brett's dad is doing much better. He's back in Toledo and 3-6 weeks from coming home.
  • April's big day is next week. Bringing keys back to the band:)
  • I am almost ashamed to admit it....but I am watching Nascar....there is nothing on TV so I am watching the Daytona 500. Please, don't let word get out.
  • Brett's brother Aaron should be with us next week. How cool is that?
  • We are ready to grow. Be praying for God's hand to move in our church. It's time
I am out. Back to the race....did I just say that?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Here is what's on my heart today....

For the last few months we have been talking about church growth. For us as a church, this is the year it really starts. We spent last year essentially laying the foundation for what we are doing this year. We are changing our leadership structure and trying to bring people into leadership and expand our leadership base. Over the next few months some of that will be subtle and some will be obvious. It's necessary and we are working on that transition.

Here is the thing. All of that stuff said. What we each need to be praying about is that our church begins to experience a genuine move of God's spirit. I am talking about the kind of move of God where people are coming to church with anticipation because they know today is the day that they are going to get what they need from him. The kind of anticipation that comes from wanting to get to church early because you cannot wait to see what crazy thing God is going to do next in the lives of the people around us, who he is going to heal, who he is going to bless, and who he is going to speak through.

No matter what we do to make the church more effective (and we should do what we can to make the church more effective) it still pales in comparison to the kind of excitement that comes from a Godly anticipation. My challenge for each of us whether your a member of Real Life or some other church is that you begin to earnestly pray for a genuine move of God in your, or our church. Nothing compares to a church that is experiencing the awesome presence of a move of God in their midst.

That is where I want to be. In the midst of a move of God. That's what I am praying for. Perhaps you should be too......If you are.....why not leave me a comment and let me know:)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So you're what?

So you're what?

That's the title of our latest teaching series here at Real Life. The simple fact is many of us are acting on wrong information when it comes to eternity. God's word is pretty plain about some things and not so plain about others. Over the next few weeks we are going to dive in and try to get a better picture of exactly what the word of God says about eternity.

This is going to be an eye opening series for some people....Like every series....I can't wait.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

Very cool day today at church. Seemed like people were in a much more festive mood this weekend. So let's dump:
  • The band sounded killer again. They are getting so good. It's going to be awesome seeing them play out this year. Next month they're playing the dedication ceremony for the new hall at Strawberry Park. Sweet.
  • Great close out to the hostage series. Most of us on some level are held hostage to the lies we have been told. We always need to remember we are the piece and God is the Master. We have no idea what we are really capable of doing or how high we can reach because we did not create ourselves. He did....only he knows that.
  • Pray for the Clark family in Holland. They lost their 16 year old daughter who died in her sleep this week. I cannot imagine how painful that must be for the family.
  • Kids church was off the hook good today. Nice job Ernie. The kids are having a ball!
  • I can't wait to get back to teaching. The next two series are going to knock your socks off. They'd knock mine off if I wore them :)
  • I love that song You'll Come. It might be one of my favorites.
  • A big surprise coming in the band in two weeks. Just wait till you see it.
  • We'll have promotional materials available next week for the Parenthood series. Do anything and everything to get your friends who are parents to church for that series. EVERYONE of us that have children need to hear it.
My wife is looking at me with sad eyes. It's time to get off the computer and love on her a little.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I am getting excited about it....

We have so many good things in the works at Real Life it's hard not to get really excited about it. Friend day, new teaching series, new people leading ministries.....this is an awesome time to be at Real Life.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

You have to be intentional

Right now Real Life is in a bit of a transitional phase. We are transitioning from a new church plant to that of a young church. When we first started off as a church it was pretty much Jeff and April's church. It was our idea, our vision, and our baby. As we are growing into a young church we are beginning the process of transitioning from Real Life being Jeff and April's church to Real Life being everyone's church. It doesn't just happen on it's own you have to plan it out and be intentional about how you change and what you change into.

It's not easy, in fact, right now we are experiencing some growing pains. We are bringing new people into leadership positions with the church. We are re-examining who does what and who should do what at the church. With that comes some pain and some learning. Over the next year your going to be hearing about and seeing lot's of changes at the church. We are adding some new staff people and changing some others to better fit their gifting.

The first and most obvious change has been in our Children's ministry. Martha Burk has stepped down from leading the children's ministry and Ernie Sampson has stepped into that role. You will notice some big changes in that ministry. We are adding on additional activities for the kids and planning lots of events for them to attend.

Our Worship arts area is changing too. Starting March 1st April is stepping down from being the Worship Leader and Aaron Hammitt is assuming that role. April will be moving into more of an administrative role and helping take care of the growing administrative duties that we are facing as a church.

We have also added Noah Stone as our Communications Director. Noah has a long background in public relations and as such he brings a wealth of experience to Real Life. Noah will be helping promote the church in our community. He'll be looking for ways for us to be the face of Jesus Christ in our community.

With all these changes will come a little struggle. We are after all revamping how we have done church for the last few years. The changes do mean that we are going to be able to do more ministry than ever before and that is a good thing. I cannot wait!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

LONG day today. Had a great time at church this morning. So, let's dump:
  • GREAT message today on anger. It's a topic that everyone has an issue with....all you have to do is push the right buttons and you'll find that out.
  • One more week in the Hostage series. Next week we talk about lies.
  • Band sounded great today. That's 2 weeks in a row. Hey, we should keep that up:)
  • Good reports coming back on Joe Suchomma. That's awesome. Pray God continues to work his healing in Joe's life.
  • Had fun at the Super Bowl party. Way too much food to eat.
  • Congrats to our prize winners. Jody and her Sausage and cheese dip...and Shelly S on her cheesecake and pudding pie.
  • I came in third....2 years in a row. I think my church family has it in for me and doesn't want me to win.
  • Big things in store Real Life....big things in Store....hold on to your forks.
I am out of here....see you all soon:)