- The band sounded tight today. They are working on playing with a metronome and that isn't always easy to do. The struggled in a few spots today but overall it was good.
- Got lots of comments on the message today. I know some of what I said people were struggling with. Follow the action steps guys....I promise it works :)
- The preschoolers were the cutest thing ever today. I love seeing our kids do their thing!
- Next week is Campus Life. I am excited about it.
- Going to make some changes in the way people are scheduled for volunteering. Just a few things I have noticed and think we can do a better job of. Let's see how it works.
Stories about my family, God, Church, Politics, and life, in no particular order.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday Mind Dump
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lessons Learned: Part 1
What we've done right:
- We've done everything for God. In doing so, we have devoted ourselves to reaching people that could not be reached by other ministries. We have never asked a person to leave a church to come join us. In fact, every person that has ever come here from another church has been a problem. They have had an agenda that did not match with our vision and have left.
- We choose to focus on people who need a relationship with God and with each other. We are overly social and almost always have food around. We made the choice to not offer a program for everything because we want people to connect in small groups and serve at church. Not having lots of programs has COST US some people who look for a program based church. It also means saying no to people way more than we say yes. Because we've done this we see more people than ever getting connected at social events and through small groups. Our small groups have not only become a discipleship program, they have become a steady tool for ministry and healing.
- We've kept it simple. We do 4 things...Good messages that everyone can understand, great worship that is culturally relevant, a great kids ministry, and we intentionally build up relationships. We do have one more thing coming in the fall but it's still a big part of our DNA.
- We accept everyone as they are no questions asked. We believe that if we can connect people with God that the Holy Spirit will draw and convict a person from the inside out to become more Christlike.
- We have shared leadership in the church. Church should never be a one man show. I will not do it all.
- We allow people to try out serving opportunities with no strings attached.
- We have never solicited funds from outside our church. If God doesn't provide we simply will do without or wait until he has provided. As a result, we have made budget every month but one (December of 2008.) We are actually ahead of budget for 2009!
- We got outside counsel. I cannot see how anyone could ever plant a church successfully without a coach. You cannot afford to not have one. Our coach saved our butts more times that I can could ever thank him for. Keith you were awesome dude...I seriously owe you man:)
- We waited on God. I got the vision for planting 2 years before I left my previous church and started the process. Wait for God to clear the way. Trust me, when it's really time you'll know it....
- We took no one from our old church with us. Unless your church sends you to plant. do not take their people. God isn't going to honor that. If he's calling you to plant and he's gifted you to do it he'll bring people your way and you don't need someone else's sheep.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday Mind Dump
- Nice to play bass with the band today. I was testing a new foot pedal I borrowed from Brett Suchomma. Not too bad. I need to play with the settings a little and see how I like it.
- My daughter had a really rough day yesterday. She was throwing up all day and night and it was her Senior prom. Man that stinks for her! She was a trooper and went anyway. She even stayed for the after prom party. Course she (by she I mean us) had a ton of money into that night!
- Even though I was out of it today and never hit my stride people still told me how much they needed that message and how it hit home. Goes to show you how little we really have to do with it!
- I am going to bring it next week. We are talking about how to have answered prayer. In the words of Donald Trump "It"ll be huge!"
- May 3rd Campus life is coming. Get ready! I always love seeing the kids from Campus! Jim & Jeni are OK too :) Maybe we need a pizza party? Any takers?
- HallowVox practice tomorrow. Our first concert of this year is next weekend. We are doing 2 hours of worship at the Tecumseh Blessing of the Bikes for the Local Christan Motorcycle Association. Should be a good time. April has already looked it up...they have cookies:)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Updates and Messages
- This weekend we are tackling one of the toughest topics in Christianity and that's "Why does God allow so much evil and suffering?" Its going to be a good message and probably a few minutes longer than we normally run on messages. There is just so much we need to cover here.
- Campus Life will be with us May 3rd. We'll handle the music and they'll take over the rest of the service with skits and some other fun stuff. I love seeing those kids. It's also a great chance to see where some of our missions money goes :)
- I will be laid up for a few days the week after this one as I am having my gall bladder removed. I've been having problems with it for years and it's long overdue to have it out.
- My wife is watching the Biggest Loser eating pancakes as I write this. Be sure to tease her a little about that :)
- My daughters senior prom is tomorrow. I spent time playing with an axe this week....just saying.
- Outta here.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
One Prayer 2009
Brett is now in the process of cleaning the file up and adding the lower graphics for the bulletin points then we are all done but the uploading. We might make the message into DVD's for anyone who might want them :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sunday Mind Dump
- Love the breakfast potluck. Whoever invented that deal is a friend of mine.
- You don't realize all the kids we have running around until you are at church for an extended time. Man have we got a gaggle of kids!
- Felt great to play guitar in the band again. That's a rare occasion for me.
- Nice to see the Myers clan in church this week.
- Next month we are going to do something in church we have NEVER done. It'll be a surprise.
- Props to Irene. The Easter decorations looked great. We are going to leave them up one more week :)
- Cool new songs today.
- One of my favorite messages today.
- Going to really enjoy this week off. I have a ton of stuff to do but the change of pace is nice.
- Turns out I cook the best sausage. Apparently, there was some talk :) I don't want to brag about it but...I am awesome....Ask me nice and I'll tell you were I got them.
- Next week we are talking about why does God allow bad things to happen. It's going to be a good week.
- Also, the preschoolers have a song and a dance they are going to do. You know that is going to be cute right?
- Outta here. April DVR'd The Biggest Looser. I need to grab some cookies or something. It's always funner to watch that show with cookies.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Who Told You That?
Every now and then one of the pastors I follow writes something that stretches me and I just have to share it with you. This post was written by Steven Furtick. I have got to meet this guy one of these days.
Who told you that?
April 7th, 2009After the fall, Adam began to explain to God how he was ashamed and afraid because he was naked.
I love the way God responded:
“Who told you that you were naked?”
Genesis 3:11
Obviously Adam had been influenced, informed and instructed by a voice other than the voice of God. God was perturbed about it!
“You think you need to hide in shame and be afraid?
Who told you that?”
I wonder how many times God has the same objection when He hears the lies we believe:
Who told you that?
Who told you weren’t capable?
Who told you one little compromise wouldn’t hurt?
Who told you you’d never accomplish anything significant?
Who told you it was too late to start over?
Who told you that you couldn’t be forgiven?
Who told you that you had to settle for that?
Who told you you’d never gain victory over that sin pattern?
So many voices compete to create a cacophony of confusion concerning the things we believe about ourselves.
God’s voice resonates with clarity, wisdom, and vision.
Who misled you?
Who talked you out of your dream?
Who convinced you that you didn’t measure up?
Who told you that?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday Mind Dump
- The band sounded OK Today. Not great, not terrible, just ok...you'll have that :)
- Good job on the message Tony.
- Thank you to Miss Sue the clown. The kids had a great time with the balloon animals and the face paint!
- Getting really excited about where God is taking us....being a church focused on recovery is tough no doubt but I think it's who God is calling us to be.
- If you want a part in helping RLCC put together it's Celebrate Recovery program see or email me.
- Did a bunch of yard work today after church...my back is killing me.
- Small crowd today. That is tough to see :(.....Let's see everyone back next week :)
- If you haven't seen the message yet....make sure you check out our web site and watch it.