Sunday, February 28, 2010


Heard one of the best messages on marital infidelity ever yesterday. As I was listening/watching the message by Craig Groeshel ( I couldn't help but see images of friends and family members that have suffered through the pain of an unfaithful spouse. Here are some of the high points of the message taken from the Biblical account of Gomer's unfaithfulness to Hosea:
  • No spouse will ever meet 100% of a persons needs. But let's say that the faithful spouse meets 80% of the unfaithful spouses needs. What is essentially happening is that unfaithful spouse is ignoring the 80% of his or her needs that are being met and cheating for the 20% that aren't. Doesn't seem like that good of a deal does it? An 80 for 20 exchange?
  • Much like the unfaithful spouse we have been unfaithful to God. When we are looking for a model as to how we should respond to infidelity we should look at how God responds to our infidelity. Righteous anger, followed by unending and crazy love.
  • We see a beautiful picture of this principle being played out in the life of Hosea who went and purchased his wife back from her pimp and loved her. Just like in spite of our unfaithfulness God purchased us back. Great picture. Great picture of God's love for us.
Here's the link. Anyone who has experienced unfaithfulness in a relationship or is feeling like they might stray needs to take a few minutes and allow God to speak to you:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Have you ever noticed?

Have you ever noticed how still your home is when you get up a few hours before everyone else? Sometimes I think I'd like to be able to sleep more on the weekends but I really do enjoy the quiet and the time of reflection each and every Saturday. Just me and God alone.

Some of the things I have been reflecting on this morning:
  • How blessed I really am. We are all in good health. We have steady jobs and a roof over our head. That's more than 90% of the people on the planet can say.
  • I am thankful that despite my shortcomings God still loves me and sees fit to work through me in whatever way he chooses.
  • I've been thinking the last few days about how much I really enjoy worshipping God through music. I am not quite ready to go back to being a part of a worship band yet but I am thankful that when God opens that door I'll have a passion for it again.
  • I am thankful for the gift of God's son. His sacrifice was more than enough to cover up all my wrongs.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why I dislike religion....

I really have a hard time being a religious person. In fact, I really don't care for religion at all. I have said many times before most of the time I really don't even like being called a "Christian" because in our world there are just so many negatives attached to that label. I really prefer just being a follower of Jesus. Where he goes I will go, where he leads I will follow, what he did I will do.

Why is religion a bad thing?
  • Religion gives us a checklist of thing we must do in order to be saved. Jesus on the other hand says pick up your cross and follow me.
  • Religion says to place our allegiance in a program, building, or activity. Jesus says we are to trust in him.
  • Religion cares more for the institution than the individual. Jesus says "Whatever we do for the least of these we do to him."
  • Religion tears people down, causes wars, and pits people against each other. Jesus calls us to love God, then love our neighbor as ourselves.
Not sure where all this came from tonight. But I am feeling rather feisty!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Long Way To Go

Over the last few months we've been to a number of different churches. It really is a little surreal going to a church and not having anything to do. I often find myself judging the church and thinking about things I would be doing differently were I on staff at said church. Which proves one thing to me. I am still detoxing from Real Life. I have to get to the point where I am not looking at church through the lens of church leadership and administration.

A couple of things:
First: God places a call on a persons life for ministry. I'll never get away from that. I know what my calling is and someday, in God's time, I'll be back to working and walking in that calling.
Second: That said, at this point in my life I need to get to the place where I am just in church to recieve from Him, give back to Him and serve Him wherever he leads.

It's a tough thing to do. That's why April and I have pretty much decided that we are going to start regularly attending a larger church in the area. It's not a place I could see myself in ministry. It's easy to get lost there. We are going to get involved in a small group and spend the next couple of years just being Jeff and April.

It's going to be tough but we feel it's something we need to do right now.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Random Tuesday Stuff

  • It's a snowday today and April has been home sick for two days. It's painful enough to watch her being sick, but then I now have to wonder is my time coming to get this thing. I am sure hoping and praying no!!
  • The new band is coming along. My idea to take an 80's new wave song and rock it out went really well. Won't share the song title yet, you'll have to come hang with us when we start playing live.
  • Too much snow. need to fire up the snow blower and take a layer off.
  • I have never had less to do. There have been moments over the last few weeks that I have felt like "I need to get back to ministry." Those moments have been quickly coming and going. I think I'll be ready to step into something when I become consumed with it again and not just bored.
  • There are a few books I am going to pick up. One is Killing Cockroaches by Tony Morgan. I know I spent way to much energy on doing just that. If you wonder what that means you'll have to pick up the book and read it for yourself!
  • Changed my diet up a little bit as I was struggling with hunger on the other one. I feel great and have lost 4 more pounds since that change. Very excited about that!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Ok, I know it's a kids movie but the movie UP has one of the best morals and storylines I have seen in a movie in quite some time. I really enjoyed it.

Props to Pixar on this one!!