Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Mind Dump

Well...we finished up strong at Central Park Congregational Church. This morning we talked about the difference between religion and having a relationship with God. We talked about how religion brings people into bondage but the relationship we have with Jesus brings freedom. One of my favorites I must say. It never get's old talking on that subject.

So, Let's dump:
  • As of now April and I are without a church home or anything to do. Feels odd...
  • Praying that CPCC embraces Steve and Tamara and they are able to move the church in a direction that God dictates.
  • A great bunch of folks at CPCC. Honestly a nice group of people.
  • We are going to continue to take some time and just wait on I mentioned before, we think we've got a place we want to hang out at while we are taking a pause from ministry. We've been there a couple times already and it feels nice.
  • Got tons to do this week and I am really looking forward to spring break. A few days with nothing going on to just clear the mind will do me wonders!
  • Thinking PF Changs sounds really tasty tonight....I'm not going just sounds good :)
  • Jake got to fill in at a church in PB today and it looks like he's going to be filling in one more Sunday next month. That's cool for him as he's been wanting to play at church for some he got to help out Aaron Hammitt and that isn't all bad....if you are in looking for a church in Perrysburg consider Grace United Methodist :)
  • Well I better call it a day....April wants the computer.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday Mind Dump (Monday Edition)

I was a little slack yesterday and didn't write my normal mind dump until this morning...Looks like everything was ok anyway :)

So, let's dump:
  • April and I didn't do any church related work last weekend. That's the first time in a long time. I almost didn't know what to do with myself, almost.
  • We did spend a lot of time with our kids this weekend and took them to a local church on Saturday night, sleeping in on Sunday. How nice was that, very nice!
  • This is my last week filling in at Central Park. It's bittersweet. I enjoy the teaching and the people there...But still feel like God is asking April and I to take a break from formal ministry. She's going to have so much on her plate in just a few months I just want to give her some space to unwind (well, as best as she can anyway!) and rest up so she is ready to go in August. Law school is going to be almost all consuming for her....she needs a rest.
  • We've sorta found a church we think we might want to hang out at, we'll see if we still feel that way in a month or so. It's just big enough we can hide a little but not so big you can't get to know people.
  • I will say, spending so much time in ministry over the years has made me way more critical of how others do ministry, and that's not healthy...from music to teaching it just seems like I am internally critiquing others rather than enjoying what God is doing through their church/ministry....that attitude has got to go.
  • Thinking quite a bit about the controversy over Rob Bells book Love Wins. I'll admit, I haven't read it and probably won't but have we as a church gotten to the point where we can't question the things we've been taught and honestly say "I've got questions" without being labeled a heretic? Admittedly, I do not subscribe to his theological assumptions, but still do we have grace enough to allow him to sort this out? I'm not going to call him a heretic for the questions...I would not have him speak for me, or attend his church....but still, do we have grace enough to allow him to question? I'm not sure we do...
  • I better get to my lunch....those kids will be back in here soon enough.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Mind Dump

It's been a long day. I am not sure why but the time change thing in the spring just kicks my butt. I never sleep well the night of the time change and last night was no exception. Only got a few hours in and I feel like I've been hit by a truck!

So let's dump:
  • Taught today about the cost of being a disciple. Being a cultural Christian is easy, being sold out is much harder and comes at a cost.
  • We are not going to be at CPCC next week. One more week at that church then we are going to take a step back and just wait on God.
  • My daughter is home from college this week. Always nice to have my little girl around.
  • Went to Compelled church again last night. We enjoyed ourselves. Not sure if it's going to be the place we choose to hang out at for the next year or so, but it's a nice place.
  • Praying for 242 and their needs. Finding the right worship leader isn't easy for anyone, it's even harder for a new church in a small town.
  • Looking forward to spring break. April and I are going to a friends wedding in SC. Warmth and sun...can I get an amen for that?
  • Doing a little tutoring after school for the remainder of the year...
  • Jake has my drums. Looking forward to getting those back so I can pound and thrash a little this summer. Soon as the weather breaks and he can play his in his garage...
  • Well...I am out for the night...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Mind Dump

April and I have had a semi hectic weekend. It was all decent until yesterday evening when we noticed water starting to creep up through a drain in our garage. Needless to say she started freaking after a call to Roto Router, a 5 hour wait, and $124 our problem is fixed. God blessed us and we didn't have any damage other than a little water on the floor of the garage but we were close to it getting in the house, another hour or so and we'd have been getting wet!

So let's dump:
  • Really had fun speaking at Central Park today. We talked about the importance of being planted in a church. I can't stress enough how big a deal it is...get planted and connect with others...God created us to be relational....why would you want to fight him over it? He made us that way...I am just reminding you :)
  • Looking forward to hearing from God about whatever he's going to lead us into next. Believe it or not, the last year has been great for April and I, and I for one am excited. I have zero clue what that's going to be, I just want to be there for the ride.
  • Looking forward to being able to visit some friends at their churches while we are waiting on God. I LOVE getting out there and seeing God at work in other churches. It gives you a much bigger picture of him when you can do that. Sometimes we tunnel vision when we've been in one church for a long time. It's not a bad thing to be in a single church for a long time (that's a good thing!) It's just that sometimes we need to see how God works in other churches...
  • Getting excited about tennis coming up in a month or so. I am so out of shape it's not even funny....who would joke about that anyway! LOL!
  • April and I are going to be in South Carolina for a few days in April. We're going to swing by Perry Noble's church for a service. Been wanting to do that for some time...
  • What are we supposed to do on Sunday's without football? I seriously get bored...I get a nap and all, but there really needs to be something on in the spring!
  • Someone needs to show up at my house with a carrot cake. April doesn't like it so I never get one.....I miss carrot cake.
  • I am out of here....she says I need a shower....I think perhaps she has a negative perspective tonight :)