Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm getting there.

So, I have been taking classes over the last year to complete my Ed.S. degree. It looks like I'll be done in the fall! I couldn't be happier, these classes are really starting to cut into my lying around time!

Ok, all jokes aside, the classes have been a little rougher this semester. I just seem to have no motivation to write or work on them. Perhaps I'll feel more like it in the summer but who least for now it's good to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'll have 3 classes and an internship that consists of me writing a handbook for professional development this summer. Then 2 classes in the fall and my merry go round of classes should be over. I think I am done now....I am not doing anything else...and YOU CAN"T MAKE ME! LOL.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Mind Dump

Now that I am back on a ministry break I don't have much ministry wise to blog about personally so I am going to take this opportunity to cheer for others in the trenches. This morning was the official launch of 242. What a big day for let's dump about that:
  • 242 has been up and running a little under a year. It launched this morning. Simply awesome!
  • Over the last year, they've lost a pastor and yet God provided.
  • They are running well ahead of the average in terms of attendance and giving in the midst of a sluggish economy. God provides.
  • The new pastor has become a friend of mine and I call it a privilege to be able to coach him and work behind the scenes helping the church in whatever way God allows.
  • Even though we are not at 242 every week anymore I am still praying for you guys regularly.
  • They are doing a killer job of getting people connected in meaningful ministry positions and the church really looks great on Sunday mornings.
  • Loved seeing new faces this morning. For those who haven't been a part of a church plant before understand it takes time, lots of time, to grow a church. It's not normal to grow rapidly, in fact, most churches couldn't handle it grow slow and steady....with some spurts in there for good measure.
  • Loved seeing the kids ministry taking steps forward. Looking really good!
  • Stay humble and listening to God and good things are going to happen @ 242!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday Mind Dump (Monday Edition)

April and I went to SC for a friends wedding this past weekend. What a long trip! It was a nice wedding and we're glad we we able to get away for a few days to be there to celebrate with my friend Tiff!

So let's dump!
  • Since we were in SC over the weekend we took the opportunity to visit Newspring Church (Perry Noble's Church.) Here are a few things I learned from going there.
  • Hands down the best worship team I have ever seen or heard. They sounded incredible. It was amazing to hear them completely rocking out and yet seeing 2500 people worshiping along with them. Loved it!
  • Getting into and out of Newspring isn't easy. So many people coming and going its like being at an amusement park at opening time. Anyway, its a chore. It demonstrates that when a church has momentum and God is moving in a place people will do whatever they have to do to get theirs butts in a seat.
  • Literally every seat was taken and they had ushers helping squeeze people into any open seats. How many churches have that problem?
  • Perry breaks the mold when it comes to preaching. Yesterdays message ran about 45 minutes. Everything I've read says a pastor should speak no more than 30 minutes. If you're good, all the rules can go bye bye.
  • Enjoyed our visit. But, glad to be home!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Mind Dump

So, I don't have any church related stuff for a mind dump this week but I can talk about my let's dump about that:
  • Busy weekend!
  • I got my butt kicked on the tennis court yesterday. I served really well but I couldn't seem to do much else right. At least I got a good workout in!
  • We went to Huntington to visit Chelsea after tennis. Long day! But it's always nice to go hang out with your college aged daughter for the afternoon :)
  • Didn't go to church at all this weekend. We were so tired after yesterday we slept in a little and when I got up I worked on writing a paper that was due today. Got it done in a few hours.
  • Our dinner consisted of Baskin Robbins tonight....guess who thought that one up?
  • Spent the day watching the masters. Almost felt sorry for the kid who imploded after leading for 3 days....almost....he's only 21.
  • Next weekend we are going to be out and about and we are going to go visit Perry Noble's church....that should be fun!
  • Well...April is telling me I need a shower again....geeeesh!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Light Bulb - It's not too late...

This week I finally got around to watching the movie Despicable Me. It was a good movie and I loved it when Gru had some big realization he said "Light Bulb" out loud. Then they showed us the vision Gru had in his mind. Very cute!

I couldn't sleep last night and for some reason I got up around midnight to use the rest room and the word Light Bulb came to mind and I realized that this week marks the 11 year anniversary of my Dad's death. Seems like every year around this time I end up taking stock of the loss and God reveals some new truth to me. Last night, as I was unable to sleep, I think he did it again so I'll share it with everyone here.

My Dad wasn't around much when we were kids. He worked for the Railroad and as such he was on the road for half the week and when he was home he was often catching up on rest. He was always at our ball games and taking us places when he could. I would say he was a good Dad but honestly we weren't all that close. Something happened as I got older. He stopped working on the railroad and did some other things for work. He and my Mom divorced.

For my Dad, the life in his 40's was a tough go. In many ways it seemed like many things were going wrong...failed marriages, ministries not living up to expectations, loss, heartache, and much more. For him it was a tough time. For me those years were actually good. You see, Dad when everything else was falling apart actually became much closer with his children. I was in my 20's and Dad would still call every couple of days just to see if all was well. As a result my Dad moved from being a Dad to being a Dad who was also a friend. It was through that changing relationship our relationship actually grew very close.

Last night that was my Light Bulb moment. This morning it continues...we do that same thing with God. We are so busy with life many of us don't make time for those we love (God) until we get to the point were things start to fall apart for's at that time we make time for the relationships that matter. I hope and pray I am making the right time now for both my kids and my God.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Just sitting at home and thinking about some things I've learned over the last few years:
  • Most churches have the same problems. Those problems all stem from the same place...sin in our lives...good leaders find God inspired ways to overcome them. They help people move beyond the stronghold of sin in their lives, others can't seem to move people past them....thinking about some of the issues we had at RL and seeing many of those same issues being played out at various other churches over the last few years gives me a perspective I wish I had 5 years ago. When God provides the next opportunity for me to take on pastoral ministry in a church, I think I'll be better prepared for that...and no I don't want to give examples :)
  • Thinking about the concept of being a missional person and being a part of a missional church. WE SAY we are missional, yet we have the hardest time releasing people into their missions. Most of us in ministry don't equip as well as we should, we don't recognize God's calling on others enough, and we don't tell people when it's time for them to leave our church and pursue what God is calling them to next. Got to see an example of that tonight and it reminded me again how we don't do that nearly enough. We build people up to serve under us, but what if God is calling them to do more than we are doing or are able to do?
  • Reminded again this week how difficult the job of a lead pastor is. Everyone has an idea of how things should be done and they are certain their idea is God inspired and correct. We can't all be right now can we? If your idea is right don't badger your pastor, threaten your pastor, or try and shame him into doing what you think is right. Talk with him about it. If he doesn't agree with you pray about the situation and try and see things from his perspective. If he still doesn't agree with you and you are unsettled submit yourself to him and his decision about it. If you still can't get peace about it, perhaps God is stirring something up in you and it's not really about the church as a whole. Consider the possibility that God is calling you, and not your church, to do something.