Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday Night Mind Dump

A pretty solid service today. The message was off the hook good. The band struggled a bit. It was just one of those days were everyone was a little off their game.

  • We gave away all but one of the DVD's of today's message. How cool is that.
  • Attendance was about half today. We had a few families out sick and when it gets this cold people stay home. It's sad but what are you going to do. On the plus side, extra bagels for me!
  • People are digging the series. Can I say again how awesome is for partnering with other churches and allowing us to use their resources. One of these days I want to personally thank Pastor Craig for that.
  • I love the job our children's leaders do. Jackie and Martha are one of the primary reasons we have grown as fast as we have. I owe you both a cookie!
  • Had our business meeting tonight and we talked about some of the messages coming up. We are going to be doing some really cool things.....If we can pull off the stuff.
  • A nice small group tonight. I love the lively discussion. Tonight we talked about the significance of the empty tomb.....awesome stuff.
  • I also told a story about how some "friends" of mine signed me up for the mailing list for the American Nazi party. The did this while I was in the Basic Training in the Army. It was NOT pretty.....I am ok now though :)

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