Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dreaming Big - For a Big God

We serve a Big God and that means we need to dream big, pray big, and have big faith. Right now I am trusting God for some things that are big. We laid out a vision last January of our church tripling in size this year. In the six services since we laid that out we have seen a net growth of 7 people added to the church. The great thing is, these aren't just people sitting in the pews, they are people taking active roles in ministry. From teaching our kids, to playing in the band. God is providing everything and more that we need.

It's awesome to see just how God provides things. It doesn't always happen the way we picture it, in fact, many times it's better than how we picture it.

So the question for you is ...What are you dreaming and praying for? Are you going to show big faith and step out in obedience doing what God would have you do?


Shelly Suchomma said...

Wow, great question. Often times we get scared to ask God for things, thinking that we ask for too much, or that He is so busy with all of the the other billions of people on earth, how can he hear me? But the GREAT thing about God is how BIG He is. He can listen to my prayers at the same time he's listening to countless others. He is with me alway and can do anything for me if I just ASK! In fact He wants me to ask. God wants to move in big ways in everyones life, so He can show His love, all we have to do it obey Him. I have taken a leap of faith and boy has God shown me what a blessing it is just be obedient.

Jeff Renner said...

Very cool. Doesn't God always blow us away when we step out in faith? All the silly little things that kept us from it in the first place seem so small once God is on the scene!