Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Mind Dump

What a great day at church today. It was the first day in a while where it started to feel like most of our people where back for the summer. Since summer hit it's been feeling empty around church but we were better today. Loved the new frappacino stuff John made. That is going to be a hit I can tell you that right now. So lets dump:

  • One of those days were the message was a little heavier today. Sometimes we need that.
  • The band sounded hot. They are really starting to kill it!
  • Another great web cast. Trezzo is starting to get his stuff together.
  • I love seeing all the kids back. Probably cause I am just a big kid!
  • Some great things on the agenda coming up over the next few about:
    • A real Life pig roast with a full day of live music
    • Another killer family worship experience.
    • A breakfast themed potluck on Labor Day.
    • A large run of direct mailers to bring in new people.
Ok, Those are just a few things on the agenda. I don't want to give away too much. Have a great night. I am going to have a well deserved brownie and a hot shower.

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