Saturday, August 2, 2008

Vacation Day 3

So this is the first real day of our vacation as the first two days were primarily travel days although we did do a little visiting yesterday. I was spent last night and I went to bed at 11:30 and slept like a log until 8:30 this morning. For those of you who know me you know how rare that is for me as I generally get 4-6 hours a night and am usually pretty satisfied with that.

Today I was up an hour before anyone else in the house got up. I started the day of with a new book. I picked up Craig Groeschell's book Confessions of a Pastor. I read the introduction and the first chapter. Wow. What a great book so far. Craig, as he usually does, hits right at the heart. I don't want to give away too much of the book but basically it's about what can happen in a persons life when the start to get real about who they are and drop the pose we try to present to everyone. It's good stuff.

We laid around the house all day and the kids swam and watched movies. We cooked some BBQ chicken on the grill. An old friend of mine from College (Tiffany Scott) who lives a few hours from here came down and hung with us today. It was great getting to see her and hang. The last time she saw the kids they were little things and seeing them as teens was a a funny thing for her.

The kids wanted to go see the new batman movie tonight so we dropped them off and April and I just chilled here at the house. Talk about a nice relaxing day. Tomorrow we have some fun activities planned for after church (yes even on vacation I am going to go to church, ok it's Real Life and I am going to attend online) but still. We are actually thinking of driving over to Lakeland and checking out the Lakeland Revival at some point this week.

As an interesting note. We drove right past a Real Life Church. its a few miles from the rental house! How cool is that?

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