Thursday, December 11, 2008

Message Prep & Lessons Learned

This as been a tough week for me in terms of message prep. Normally I plan and write messages weeks and sometimes even months ahead of time. I work with them and tweek them a little every week until it's the weekend they're going to be given. This weeks message has been different. I have tried to sit and write this message off and on for weeks and I'd get little bits of it and then nothing. Then, between yesterday and today it just kind of came.

Remember, sometimes you want your answer. You want it now. You are seeking and nothing happens. Whatever you do...don't give up. Keep coming back and seeking God for an answer. If you were thirsty in your physical body you would keep drinking water until you were no longer thirsty. Way too often in our spiritual lives we don't get our fill the first time and we stop looking to God for that fill and we start looking for other things to meet our needs. Maybe we sought prayer once and nothing happened so we quit. Maybe we talked to the pastor and he gave us a little advice and nothing happened so we stopped.

Here is the rub. Keep going back to the well until you are satisfied. Perhaps God is meeting your needs and growing you through the process. Sometimes there is something that God is going to teach you through your needs and through your thirst.

Whatever you do don't walk away until you are thirsty no more.

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