Here are some ways I am measuring our growth as a church and some examples of how we are doing:
- Serving: How many people in a church are actively serving in a ministry somewhere.
- Serving @ RLC: We currently have 86% of the adults in our church serving in some capacity at church.
- Giving: Where your treasure is there your heart is also right?
- Giving @ RLCC: Even in these tough times we are a little ahead of budget. In fact, last week we had highest Sunday ever in terms of the number of people who gave to Real Life (notice I didn't say the highest in terms of dollar amounts....I am more impressed at the number of people who are beginning to make giving back to God a priority) God provides for all of our needs. I have been blown away by the number of people who are stepping up to the plate and giving....Thank you....that is growth.
- Ministry: How many people in the church are willing to give to others and expect nothing in return.
- Ministry @ RLC: WOW...our people are giving rides to church, donations for single mothers, sacrificing your time and talents. The Bible says "as you have done it unto the least of these you have done it unto me."
- Worship: Are we worshiping God or putting on a show?
- Worship @ RLC: The people are getting more passionate about worship weekly and you can see it reflected in the way the band leads.
- Teaching: Are people growing spiritually
- Teaching @ RLC: If you have attended any of our LifeSupport groups you'll know people are asking deeper and deeper questions all the time. It's so cool to see the people at RLC growing.
- Butts in seats: Are people coming to church?
- Butts in seats @ RLC: We are growing on a steady basis that is awesome.
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