Sunday, February 28, 2010


Heard one of the best messages on marital infidelity ever yesterday. As I was listening/watching the message by Craig Groeshel ( I couldn't help but see images of friends and family members that have suffered through the pain of an unfaithful spouse. Here are some of the high points of the message taken from the Biblical account of Gomer's unfaithfulness to Hosea:
  • No spouse will ever meet 100% of a persons needs. But let's say that the faithful spouse meets 80% of the unfaithful spouses needs. What is essentially happening is that unfaithful spouse is ignoring the 80% of his or her needs that are being met and cheating for the 20% that aren't. Doesn't seem like that good of a deal does it? An 80 for 20 exchange?
  • Much like the unfaithful spouse we have been unfaithful to God. When we are looking for a model as to how we should respond to infidelity we should look at how God responds to our infidelity. Righteous anger, followed by unending and crazy love.
  • We see a beautiful picture of this principle being played out in the life of Hosea who went and purchased his wife back from her pimp and loved her. Just like in spite of our unfaithfulness God purchased us back. Great picture. Great picture of God's love for us.
Here's the link. Anyone who has experienced unfaithfulness in a relationship or is feeling like they might stray needs to take a few minutes and allow God to speak to you:


Anonymous said...

how many time i do not do what i want to do but do what i dont want to do

Anonymous said...

how many time i do not do what i want to do but do what i dont want to do