Monday, March 15, 2010

Church Visits

We really enjoyed yesterday visit to Ten Mile Vineyard. I have been personally enamoured with the Vineyard movements DNA for some time and hadn't really had a chance to hang out and observe it in action. Some of the things I personally enjoy are that they (Vineyard) tend to focus on many of the things that drew me to starting RL. As a movement they focus on worship, teaching, and relatioships.

Here are some of my observations from yesterday:
  • Worship was a big part of the experience. They started with 5 songs. A few fast songs and a few slow songs with weekly communion built into the actual worship service itself. I actually enjoyed that aspect as a way of personal time with God in the midst of a crowd of people.
  • Teaching was expository. Although I generally teach topically there were quite a bit of references back to the personal needs we all have as humans.
  • Relationships seem to be built into the DNA of the local church as there is an emphesis on getting involved and building relationships.
  • There was a very casual feel and most people were dressed in jeans and tee shirts. That's a big plus for me :)

We're going to go back in two weeks.

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