Friday, September 2, 2011

Just some thoughts

So I am sitting home this Friday evening and pondering a few thoughts...
  • A few weeks ago I was approached by someone (with a good heart and positive motives) asking why we don't have a more formal program to go after people who have left or are on the verge of leaving the church. This person rattled off a few names of people that are no longer at our church. It's a good question and I've been tempted to think, OK...they're right, we need a program to make sure we aren't letting people slip away. Tonight, I am questioning why would we do that? Now hear me out on this...If the people in the church know someone hasn't come to church in a while...why are the people in the church not calling on them and checking up with them? IF I were away from church for a while I would much rather a friend called me to check up than someone who did it because it was their job to do it. Not that the church shouldn't call on people that they haven't seen in a while...I am just not sure a church should have a "program" for mind isn't made up on this, just saying I am questioning it.
  • I've been praying quite a bit about some directional things at 242. Excited about some things that I believe God has in store for us. Looking forward to the next six months as a church. I think we could see some big things happen. Not because we are doing anything special but because he is going to do something special. I am praying for God to move and for us to see some amazing things that defy explanation and can only be described as a miracle of God.
  • I am really looking forward to getting back to teaching at church. I have a few months worth of messages ready to go (for the most part.)

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