Saturday, October 27, 2007

Busy Weekend!

This is going to be a busy weekend for April and I. In a few minutes we are getting ready to head out for band practice. Then right after band practice we are heading out for the open house at the potential new building. Then right after that April and I are getting in the car and heading to Champaign Ill to visit with another church that is a part of the network.

We really like the stuff that does and we have kicked around becoming part of their network for while now. We are just getting to the point where we are wanting to go and physically see how things are done.

Becoming a network church could be a very cool thing for us as it would allow is to do many of the things that larger churches do really well using technology in teaching. But, it would allow us to keep the personal touch of a smaller church. This is a very exciting time for me as a pastor because I am looking all across the country and seeing the role of a pastor begin to change from being the person who taught on Sunday morning, to the pastor being an equipper that has a more personal place in the lives of his church members.

That is an exciting thought!

Stay tuned, as God sorts all of this out for us, we'll be able to paint little better picture of what he is doing in our lives and in the life of Real Life!