Tuesday, May 13, 2008


What makes a church go from the phrase "you have a nice church here" to "we have a nice church here?" It's pretty simple. Ownership. Ownership is critical to the success of any church. The notion that we as individuals identify a church as our church is huge. That also means that people begin to take on the responsibility of supporting the church. Supporting the church is typically thought of in monetary terms and while that is of course needed and important. Supporting the church by getting involved in serving is just as important.

It doesn't matter how much money a church has if no one is willing to serve. Believe me when I tell you it takes a lot to make a church run smoothly! In most churches, people really never see the little things that go on. We just sort of take them for granted. We expect clean facilities, we expect the coffee to be hot and ready, we expect the kids to be well taken care of. Most of us don't get out there and make sure it happens.

It's kinda like thinking about where your chicken dinner comes from. We don't really think about where it came from and the process of getting it to you. We just know we like the chicken and want it ready for us.

Over the next few months. I am going to ask each person that calls Real Life home to step up their game in terms of ownership. People will be asked to serve in ways that they have never served before. If we are going to move ourselves to the next level we are going to have to do some things we have never done before. For many people, that will mean serving in ministries for the first time.

We are looking at every task that needs to be accomplished at Real Life and then asking ourselves who might be able to do it. So be thinking right now of some things that you really would enjoy doing. There is no greater joy and connection to a church than when you are connected relationally to God's people and serving them with the gifts and talents He has given you.
These are great times!

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