Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

Felt nice to be back home at church this weekend. Seems like many people were dragging a bit after all the holiday visit, parties, and travels. Was great to see everyone after being away for a week and a half. So let's dump:

We talked about the vision of the church today. We talked about how far we have come and what we are going to be focusing on this year. So in a nutshell here are our main focus points for the year.

  • We are going to focus on BEING THE CHURCH one person at a time. We are to Jesus hands and feet and be the church to a hurting a broken world. This year we are focusing on that big time. We are going to use small groups to adopt hurting people. We are going to partner with recovery ministries so the church can minister to the hurting and broken.
  • We are going to HIT YOU WHERE YOU HURT. That means I am going to be teaching on some very tough things over the next 6 months. Not because it's cool or hip but because we need to deal with our hurts and hang ups before we are in a position to help others.
  • We are TAKING KIDS MINISTRY TO A WHOLE NOTHA LEVEL. We are going to be doing some really cool things with our kids ministry. Adopting grandparents, changing curriculum, and adding activities outside of the church day. It's going to be cool.
  • we are GOING TO DOUBLE IN SIZE. This last year we doubled in size and we are going to do that again. Not because of cool programs or because we spent a ton on advertising but because each person who's life has been changed for the better invites someone to church. Most people do not go to church because no one is asking them to. That cannot happen at Real Life. Our people are going to get freakish about inviting people to church.
We are also having an all church business meeting in a few weeks. Make sure you are here so you can see and ask questions about the budget and how we do things.

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