Friday, January 16, 2009

Wise words from Perry Noble...

I saw this post on Perry Nobles blog and it is such a great reminder for us during those times when we are feeling less than perfect. Hopefully it speaks to your heart.

He Delights In You!

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 06:02 AM CST

The other night I came home from a long day and plopped down on the couch next to ‘Cretia. Charisse came over and crawled up in my lap and wanted to play…and I could not resist.

After a few minutes of singing, clapping and dancing I said to her out loud, “Girl, you have NO IDEA how much joy you bring to my life. I am so proud you are my daughter.”

I didn’t say that because she was behaving properly. I didn’t say that because she was walking in perfect obedience. I didn’t say that because she was speaking positively to me and about me…

I said that because she’s my child…she belongs to me, and no matter what happens she will always be mine. I love her so much…she literally has NO IDEA how much I think about her and how much I want great things for her!

Later on that night God spoke to me and said, “You think your love for Charisse is amazing…you have NO IDEA how much I love you!”

AND…honestly, that amazes me.

He doesn’t love me because I am following all ‘the rules.” he doesn’t love me because I am spending a certain amount of time reading my Bible and praying. He doesn’t love me because I speak positively too Him and about Him.

He loves me because I am His…period. And if I, as an imperfect father, can’t quit thinking about Charisse and wanting the best for her…how much more does God think about and want the best for me?

AND the same is true for you!

If you are His child then He delights in you…not because of what you do and do not do…but because you are His! He thinks of you WAY more than you think of Him…and His desire for your life is greater than anything you could ever imagine.

I have often struggled with the idea that a perfect and holy God could love someone as imperfect and screwed up as I am…but it’s true. It’s true for me and it’s true for you!

His love is amazing…and we have NO IDEA how much He loves us. Once again…not because of who we are…but because of WHO HE IS and WHAT HE HAS DONE!

Thank You Jesus for loving me! I’m amazed!

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