- Glad to be back from our vacation. We went to Southern California for a few days. We love the weather and scenery there, but it's always nice to be home.
- Yesterday we talked about Jesus being our Light at Christmas. He came into this world to light up our lives and that was the best gift God could have ever given.
- I was amazed at the crowd we had yesterday. Honestly, I thought no one would show up for Church on Christmas morning!
- For the next two weekends we are going to take a look at one of the boldest prayers ever uttered and what it means for us. It's based on a book called "Sun Stand Still" and the prayer was uttered by Joshua....it's going to be good :)
- The second week of the two week message I'll share my "Sun Stand Still" prayers for our church.
- Better get off this computer!
Stories about my family, God, Church, Politics, and life, in no particular order.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump ( Monday Edition)
Saturday, December 24, 2011
While you're away
It's interesting how God speaks. Here we were in one of the most traffic laden places on the planet (LA) and in the midst of all the sights, sounds, and life that is LA I found myself spending time alone with God. I started praying that God would reveal himself to me and speak to me. I can honestly say he did just that....The message was a private one, but something I really needed to hear from him.
I would encourage each of you to do whatever you can to get away for a while. Maybe you don't need or can't take a trip across the country. But, you can turn off the computer, TV, and buzz of the cell phone for a few hours on a Saturday and just listen to what God is saying with his still small voice. I promise you that when you do, it's amazing and you'll leave that experience with God a better person and feeling like a million bucks :)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- This morning we had sort of a Pre-Christmas message. We talked about how Jesus is the Way, The Truth, and the Life.
- One thing we talked about it detail was the concept of seeking and asking questions. If you're not sure I encourage you to seek. But, do it with integrity. Don't preform an opinion about God then only look for things that support your opinion. Search with an open mind and be willing to accept God for who he is, not what you want to make him.
- Played Bongo's again today...how fun is that!
- April is studying herself to death! The poor girl hasn't slept more than a few hours a night for the last week. Exams are over Thursday....I expect she'll collapse after the last one!!
- Thank you to everyone who serves at 242. You guys make my job so fun!!
- Remember....Stacy Lauer is opening her house up on Christmas eve at 5 for time of fellowship and fun....hope to see you there!
- Thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday yesterday!! Didn't really get to celebrate it since April is in exam mode....we will soon though!
- Had my last class Thursday....one last paper to proofread and turn in then I am done with my Ed.S. program....Graduation is next weekend!
- I am out!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- This was the last weekend of our People of the Second Chance series. This morning we talked about learning how to forgive ourselves and move past our regret. Satan is a very real enemy and he would like nothing more than for you to swim in a sea of guilt. Don't do it.
- We were pretty full this morning. I saw a few guys going to get extra chairs....love seeing that!
- Got to play the bongo's this morning. That was fun...I've never really played them....I can play drums but bongos...we'll I guess after today I can add those to my list of things I can play.
- Not sure what the message is going to be about next week. I know what I am doing for Christmas....but the next two weeks....I am clueless....I guess I'll just sit down and see what comes out!
- April is in full on exam prep mode. She's got 2 this week and 2 next week....they are very hard and constitute 100% of your grade for that class....needless to say she is in freakout mode....but I have complete confidence in her....not only is she pretty...she's very smart...she's going to do great!
- Got a lot of good series coming up after Christmas. Hold onto your forks....what's coming next is going to be good :)
- I am outta here!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Week three of our People of the Second Chance today. We talked about apologizing and seeking forgiveness from those we've hurt. It's really easy to see ourselves as a victim...it's much harder to look in the mirror and see the hurt we've caused others.
- Fun Fact: I love Christmas time.
- April reminded me on the way home today that I forgot to lead communion....I guess that means one one thing...We are doing communion twice next week!
- Next week we are going to take a long hard look at learning to forgive ourselves and embrace the future that God has for us....I promise...it'll be good!
- Got some really fun stuff coming up over the next few months.
- I never would have thought so many people would want one of our People of the Second Chance Tee Shirts!! I am sorry I didn't order more! We got them for the people on stage and everyone who works with the kids...next time I do something like this we'll have to order more....if you didn't get one...please accept my apologies....we were just trying to keep the costs down.
- So much on the agenda....I'll fill ya'll in later!! I Am outta here!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Talked about Forgiveness this morning. Difficult subject...very hard to do but we have to...
- Just want to say thank you to everyone who is helping out at 242...you guys are awesome.
- Felt weird to be on stage singing today...Feel almost naked without a guitar in my hands!!!
- Looking forward to Thanksgiving...going to try cooking a turkey on the grill this year....unless the weather gets in the way!
- Played tennis this afternoon...now I am sore!
- Only a few more weeks and assignments until I am done with all my classes...can't come fast enough I can tell you that much.
- I am out of here!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Started People of the Second Chance this morning. I was really excited about it and I had several people come up to me with tears in their eyes telling me how much they needed to hear the message today. Simply Awesome!!
- Today we talked about not listening to what others say you are but listening to what God says about you. If you ask him, he'll give you a new name and a new purpose in life...
- Love seeing all the new faces at church. Let's pray it's only the start.
- Had fun playing guitar today. I am slowly getting more comfortable playing again.
- Lot's of people gone today but we were still full....that is awesome!
- Playing around with communion. Might try something different next week.
- Great questions coming in for our Mythbusters series....I can't wait!
- Took a great nap today...that almost never happens!
- Loving where God has us right now....
- Time to get off this computer....peace out!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Taught today on a tough subject....How to quit playing God. We play God by judging those around us when God just wants us to love on them and leave the judgement to him. It's easier said than done I know...but that is the challenge we all have.
- Today was the last of the B2B series. I've really enjoyed this series but I am ready to move on!
- Next week we are starting the series People Of The Second Chance. I can promise you this, it's going to be one of the most positive and uplifting series you've ever been in. If you've got a friend or family member struggling with the regrets of the past....DO WHATEVER you can to get them in church...they won't be disappointed.
- We are trying to expand our worship area so Myself and John are going to start playing with Cori. We need some additional people up there playing instruments and singing...If you know a singer looking for a church home, send them our way!
- I am constantly amazed at how God provides for his church and his people. It's amazing!
- If you are looking for ways to pray for your church here are a few things we need: Pray God continues to bring new people/families into 242, pray for the health and welfare of our volunteers and staff, pray that God continues to bless us financially, pray God provides the right location at the right time when it's time for us to move on.
- We are not doing a Christmas Eve service this year....Stacy Lauer has offered to open up her home for an open house....we'll have a time for prayer and Communion...times will follow.
- It was nice to play my guitar again today....I am rusty but it's still nice!
Friday, November 4, 2011
An Ounce of Anointing
An ounce of anointing is more precious than a thousand tons of talent.
When I say anointing, I’m talking about the supernatural enabling of the Holy Spirit.
If you’ve got it, you’ll do greater things for God than you can imagine, and live a remarkable life for His glory.
If you don’t, you won’t.
If you’re anointed by God, you’ll do things far beyond your capability. You’ll live in a constant state of humility, because you need the Lord for every step, every breath, every situation. You’ll live in constant amazement at all the ways He comes through for you.
If you’re not anointed by God, even your strengths will become weaknesses in time. You’ll still do good stuff, maybe even impressive stuff. But it won’t have eternal power in it, and it will be just a small slice of what you could have done, if the Lord was doing it through you.
Talent is a great thing to have. It’s a gift from God.
But having talent without anointing is kind of like having seatwarmers in a car but not having an engine under the hood.
God can work in spite of our lack of talent. Through the anointing, even our weakness can become a playing field for the Lord to show off His strength.
Ask Moses.
But talent alone isn’t enough to get the job done if you don’t have God’s power behind it. You’ll come up short in the end.
Ask Samson.
I’m asking God today for a fresh anointing on my life.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
One Month To Go
Come on December....let's get here so I can get the classes off my plate and spend more time on church and the other job!!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Had our potluck this morning. I ate a lot of food...I am using that as my excuse for getting beat on the tennis court today...I was too full to move!
- Enjoying some quality football this afternoon.
- In two weeks we are starting our new teaching series called People of the Second Chance...I can't speak for you but I am glad God keeps giving me second chances!
- Also talked about a series we are going to start in January called MythBusters. I did this once before at our church in Toledo and it was a ton of fun...Looking forward to it again.
- As a part of Mythbusters I need your help...The only way the series works is if you ask questions for me to answer...so if you've got a question you need/want answered...let me know!
- Time to enjoy a few hours of down time!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- One of my favorite messages today...This morning we talked about arguments and conflict and why we seem to end up in the middle of it. You can check out the message here: www.findlay242.org.
- Love seeing all the new faces coming in...seems like each week it's someone or some new family...that is AWESOME!!
- So many cool things coming up...next Sunday it's the 5th Sunday potluck...come hungry and bring a dish to pass!
- Next Saturday it's the Fall fest at Kala's....it'll be fun!
- Lot's of things on our radar that could bring big benefits to the church. It would be so cool just to seek some of them come to pass!
- I am out!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump (Monday Edition)
- Loved the message yesterday. I don't know about you but I needed to hear it too. Although, I will say never felt like myself while teaching it yesterday. I felt like I was tripping over my words all morning....you have days like that...
- Only two weeks till our breakfast potluck...needless to say, April is excited!
- I had a very busy and full weekend...I need a weekend to recoup from this weekend!
- So, yesterday we talked about our actions and how they should reflect our faith....we all need to put our money, actions, lifestyle where our mouths are.
- Working on some technical issues at the church. Hopefully the lighthouse gets them together over the next week.
- Gary Nissley did a great job with the Fish on Sat....very tasty...If you weren't there you really missed it!
- Really excited about the next teaching series....more on that in a few weeks!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Preached this morning on how to be blessed by the Bible. It was one of my favorite messages of all time...
- Not sure if you have noticed, but our attendance is way up lately....That is nice and I am praying for many more.
- Got word of something huge that God did for 242 this week. I'll fill you in on it soon. You'll be blown away like I was...
- More tech troubles this morning...Ugh...even with that...we still had a great morning!
- After church I got a one hour nap in and now I am enjoying football as I write this...yep, I love Sunday's in the fall!
- Next Saturday it's the Fish Fry...come hungry and ready to chow!
- Still can't believe my Michigan team is 6-0....it's a long way from last season!
- Better get off this thing!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- This morning everyone heard it first. I REALLY like doughnuts! Thanks Tina!
- So, we are in week 4 of our series and we talked about overcoming temptation. Too many things to list here with respect to the message but I will say this....if you don't want to get stung get away from where the bee's are.
- Love my wife. She's really working hard at school. It takes it's toll but she's hanging in there like a trooper!
- Did some updating to the web site yesterday. I have heard from a few people that it needed updating so I finally got to it!
- Making home made vegatable beef soup for dinner...yum!
- Played in a tennis match today...I am sore!
- Got the next few months of teaching series down...some good stuff on the agenda...already thinking about what I want to do for Christmas services :)
- I am outta here!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Having a blast teaching out of James. Today we talked about The Double Minded Man. I think today's message was something all of us needed.
- Getting really excited about some things. Looking forward to seeing God do his thing.
- Praying for a few people that have some potentially serious health issues.
- Got some really good messages coming up...only hope and pray I can do them justice.
- Loved seeing god at work in some peoples lives this afternoon. He really is in charge, sometimes it's just hard to see it in the valley.
- Thinking I need to pick up a guitar and play a little soon...
- Looking forward to starting my new job tomorrow. I've been working on getting this job for a couple of years. Exciting!
- April wants to move to Perrysburg next spring...anyone want to buy our house?
- I better get off this thing and get to the games....I am starting to ramble!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
I'm Jacked Up
All that said, for some reason I am really jacked up about tomorrows message....Just a general sense that someone is going to be touched by God and they will have a break through in their thought life...
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
So let's dump:
- One of my favorite Sunday's at 242 so far. The service flowed the smoothest yet. That's one of the things I have really been trying to work on....things flowing!
- Really enjoying this message series on the book of James. Today, we talked about growing through our problems (James 1:2-6). It's tough to bring up this stuff, but it feels so much better when we give it over to God.
- Cori did a GREAT job with the song Blessings today! Loved it!
- Love the fact that we are getting a Families Pastor in. John is going to do a great job and really help grow the church!
- Just want to give a shout out to Craig, Don, and Jose'. Love you guys coming in and helping us with set up....takes so much pressure off me!
- Looking forward to the Fish Fry....be thinking of who you can invite...good food and nice company...who can ask for more?
- My heart breaks when I think about the pain so many of our friends at church are in.
- Well...I better get back to football...my TV is getting jealous :)
Friday, September 16, 2011
And Then Some!
I follow several pastors through their blogging. It helps remind me of things and occasionally I find inspiration through something someone has written. Today I really enjoyed this post written by Pastor Steven Furtick....hope you enjoy it too :)
Check out his site at: www.stevenfurtick.com
Drive and motivation is the secret to success and doing anything worthwhile and significant in life. Skill and natural aptitude only takes you so far. At the end of the day, it’s your heart and the drive to go above and beyond that is going to set you apart from the masses that live in the muck of mediocrity.
From my experience, I’ve found that there are three types of people when it comes to their heart and motivation. Each person puts forth a certain kind of effort, and each person receives a corresponding reward.
The first person has a bare minimum mentality. They’re D- people. Doing enough to pass, but nothing more. They spend the bare minimum time with their spouses that it takes to appease them. They turn in work that meets the bare minimum requirements. And then they wonder why their marriage sucks, they never get a promotion, and they can never find fulfillment in life. It’s because a bare minimum mentality reaps bare minimum rewards.
The second person runs by the mantra of good enough. They’re B, maybe B+ people. They turn in good work that shows effort. They do the routine daily and weekly duties that sets you up for a good marriage. But they leave it at that. They get the ball 80 yards down the field, but because they aren’t willing to put in extra effort, they usually settle for a field goal, which is good. But they could have gotten a touchdown, which would have been great.
And then there are people with world-class drive. They’re A+ people. Good enough isn’t good enough for them when they know they have greatness in them. As a result, they generally have great jobs, great marriages, and greater fulfillment.
What sets these people apart really comes down to three simple words. And they’re words all of us can adopt as our own. These three words will make you stand out from the crowd. They’ll set you up for success in every area of your life and take you a long way.
In your marriage.
Your job.
Your relationships.
Your church.
Three words:
And then some.
People with world-class drive who reap world-class rewards do what they’re supposed to do…AND THEN SOME.
They don’t just get flowers for their spouse on their anniversary. They also do it on random Wednesdays for no reason at all. They don’t just do what they’re asked at work. They find ways to go above and beyond.
Choose to live life with an “and then some” mentality. Reject mediocrity. Don’t let good enough be good enough for you when you have God in you. And therefore unlimited greatness in you.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Our Churches Should Be No Shame Zones....
And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ. Ephesians 4:32 (HCSB)
Our world is broken; everything and everyone in this world is broken. In fact, there are only two kinds of people in the world: those who know they’re broken and those who are broken but don’t know it. God wants us to know that we’re broken.
That’s why our churches should be no-shame zones, places for broken people to come when they hurt.
Colossians 3:12 says, “[A]s God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (NIV). Because we know how much God loves us, we can demonstrate compassion, kindness, humility and patience with others. And that’s exactly what the church has been called to do. It’s the place for the broken, the place for those whose lives don’t work out as they should.
The truth is that the church shouldn’t just “accept” hurting people. We should want hurting people in our midst. We’ve got to realize that every sinner has a future and every saint has a past.
Recovery ministries (like Celebrate Recovery at Saddleback) aren’t a sideline show in the church; they’re at the core of what Jesus calls the church to do and to be. We’ve all got hurts, habits and hang-ups that we need God to transform. God wants to use the church to do that.
That means since you’re the church, He wants to use you.
God wants us to be people of the second chance. But we can’t be second-chance people until we realize how much of a second chance we’ve been given. Too many Christians don’t feel forgiven — so they don’t let anyone else feel forgiven either.
When we realize how much grace God showed to us when He saved us, sharing that kind of grace with others will only be natural. The Bible says in Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as God forgave you through Christ.”
Second chances aren’t just for addicts and convicts; second chances are for all of us. No matter how squeaky-clean our lives have looked on the outside, the Bible is clear that we’ve all needed a second chance at some point in our lives.
In fact, it’s when we realize how much God loves us and has forgiven us that we’re able to properly take that love to others. The people who are best able to show God’s love to others are the ones who feel God’s love the most fully.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Great to see the place full today. Really enjoyed the full house....let's pray we are building momentum and it continues!
- Spoke about Maturity today. I know I haven't always acted in mature ways. It's a subject we all need to hear from time to time.
- We are going to study the book of James topically over the next few months. Next week we are talking about learning to grow through our struggles and problems. You won't want to miss this one I can tell you that much! I have a secret up my sleeve :)
- Did have issues with sound today...by the time I figured out what the problem was it was too late to fix it....UGH!
- Still can't believe I went to sleep on my U of M team last night. I gave up on them before the game was over...I really missed the come back!
- Back to the games...I am out!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Great message today, Craig really hit it out of the park. Now I am praying your few weeks away brings clarity of calling and vision.
- Next week we are kicking off the back to basics series. I will be teaching through the Book of James and talking about a host of different subjects. The premise of the series is this. God saves us and molds us to be like Jesus...so then what should our lives look like if we are growing in his sons image? Granted we'll never cover it all, but we'll try and hit a few things as reminders...it's all about the basics :)
- Have some cool things planned at church. We are starting our first Sunday school class in a month, led by Dennis and Lisa Sharninghouse.
- Going to be having a Fish Fry at the lighthouse in Oct...so much for that message on Gluttony Craig!
- Planning a fall fest at Kala's place for the last weekend in OCT.
- I love having to pull out extra chairs and tables....feels great doing that...let's keep that trend up!!!
- Going to be working on some things that will make us more productive as a church...hopefully people notice the difference!
- I am outta here...I think that's all I have for now!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The Relationship Tornado
Affair: The Relationship Tornado
One of my favorite lines in a song is “I followed my heart, but it lies! It lies!” Over the last few weeks I’ve been praying for someone in our church who’s spouse had an affair. Affairs are like family tornados. They destroy everything, hurting the innocent, and leaving the landscape looking completely different.
In virtually every case, the spouse that enters into the affair doesn’t set out to destroy their family it just sort of happens. People allow a look to become a flirt, and a flirt to become a conversation, and a conversation to become a connection, that connection becomes a tangled web that is virtually impossible to break free from without destroying a family, and quite often more than one family. I’ve seen so much devastation over the years come from good people who made a choice to entertain the company of someone other than their spouse. It never ends well.
Pastor Rick Warren has a saying “the grass is greenest over the septic tank for a reason”. Sometimes, we forget that what looks good from a distance really smells pretty bad if you spend enough time lying in it. Don’t follow your heart, or giddy school boy or girl crush. Follow God and his word, our hearts will lie, he never will.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Just some thoughts
- A few weeks ago I was approached by someone (with a good heart and positive motives) asking why we don't have a more formal program to go after people who have left or are on the verge of leaving the church. This person rattled off a few names of people that are no longer at our church. It's a good question and I've been tempted to think, OK...they're right, we need a program to make sure we aren't letting people slip away. Tonight, I am questioning why would we do that? Now hear me out on this...If the people in the church know someone hasn't come to church in a while...why are the people in the church not calling on them and checking up with them? IF I were away from church for a while I would much rather a friend called me to check up than someone who did it because it was their job to do it. Not that the church shouldn't call on people that they haven't seen in a while...I am just not sure a church should have a "program" for it...my mind isn't made up on this, just saying I am questioning it.
- I've been praying quite a bit about some directional things at 242. Excited about some things that I believe God has in store for us. Looking forward to the next six months as a church. I think we could see some big things happen. Not because we are doing anything special but because he is going to do something special. I am praying for God to move and for us to see some amazing things that defy explanation and can only be described as a miracle of God.
- I am really looking forward to getting back to teaching at church. I have a few months worth of messages ready to go (for the most part.)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Enjoyed playing music this morning. Not something we can do on a regular basis anymore but it's fun now and then! It was tough with the power point issues and something happened to our floor monitors and we couldn't hear what we were playing or singing but it's all good!
- Got some tech things to work on, we have to get better at getting the power point in line before Sunday morning...
- Great message this morning Craig!
- I was amazed at the size of the crowd today...nice to see some old faces for the first time in a while.
- Lot's of people at church with heavy hearts and a lot of junk in their lives this week. Just praying you guys can lay it all at Jesus feet and trust him with it.
- It's been a very trying couple of weeks at the Renner household. From the break in, to getting our kids off to college, to April starting law school, it's taken a toll on us. I am ready for things to be back to normal. Not quite ready for students tomorrow but they are coming anyway so....
- I've got the next few months worth of messages planned out....we are starting a series I am calling "Back to Basics." We are going to look at some things James has to say about our lives...Should be fun and very practical for all of us!
- Still praying the building comes through for us. We are $500 a month apart from what we think we can afford and what they would like to get. Praying they come our way a little and our giving is a little stronger over the next few months so we can maybe go their way a little...
- I better quit writing or I am going to start rambling on and on!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
So, let's dump:
- Cori told me she is out of town next week so you are stuck with April and I leading worship. Good thing Jake had a couple of my guitars at his house while we were away or that wouldn't be possible right now!
- I've been working hard on some teaching and we are going to start off my teaching with a series I am calling Back To Basics. As part of that series we are going to look at some of the fundamentals of the Christian life. We'll start off with taking a look at what does it look like when a person is "Mature."
- Reminded this week that it doesn't matter who you are you cannot take your eyes off Jesus without consequence.
- We should have some clarity on the building situation over the next few days. Praying that it works out. Getting in there would go a long way towards putting us in position for growth.
- Took an hour nap this afternoon. That NEVER happens!
- April hasn't even started classes yet (they start tomorrow) and we added up that she has studied 55 hours this week just to be ready for the first week of law school. It's going to be a long 3 years!
- It's official. I have made the switch from PC to MAC....LOVING IT!
- Friday I get the honor of dropping both of my kids off in college....let's hope they both stay there!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Simple is Best
- Creating the best Sunday morning worship experience possible: Simply put we need to get much better at doing Sunday mornings. We need better systems, structures, and organizations in place so we are better prepared to meet the needs of people on Sunday mornings. This means focusing on a few key ministries and building them up....Things like our children's ministry, greeting visitors, kitchen services, and designing better worship services. Most people's initial point of contact with the church is through our Sunday morning worship experience, so we should put more thought, energy, and prayer into planning services.
- Building a better sense of Community: We need to find ways to help people connect with one another. Small groups, meals, fellowship, all those things need to be built up so we are in a better position to meet the needs of those God brings across our path.
- Becoming a church of prayer and expectation: My heartfelt desire is that 242 church would become a praying church and a church that shows up with the expectation that God is going to do something awesome! That starts with being a praying church. When God is doing amazing things at the church it creates a sense of excitement and people want to be a part of a church that is exciting!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump (Saturday Edition)
- Key West: Always nice and plenty of things to see and do. It's a bit too congested for my tastes but it's still a cool place to visit.
- Grand Cayman: Very nice, very British. Slow paced and pretty...enjoyed swimming with dolphins and then getting on a boat to go out to Stingray City...a nice sandbar where there are tons of stingrays that love to be played with and fed....needless to say, this was April's favorite part.
- Ocho Rios Jamaica: Jamaica is very beautiful. We swam with and fed sharks....I know, I thought the idea was crazy too but it was fun anyway.
- The Boat: Awesome....loved the food (especially the Indian place for lunch! April and I loved the giant Seaside movie theater and watched movies under the stars almost nightly after dinner....
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Life has been much harder than I could have ever imagined when I was young whipper snapper. It seems like time goes so slow when you're young and so fast when you get older. Enjoy things while they last...Jake and I went out and played golf today...nothing special just a nice round of golf between a Dad and his son...I wish we had more of those days...Make no mistake, I am happy he's off to college, one day that kid could do some really special things...he's crazy talented. But, I will miss the little things....But then again, it really is the little things that make life fun isn't it :)
Enjoy it while it lasts....
Thursday, July 28, 2011
My Current Playlist
- Needtobreathe - The Outsiders....LOVE their sound. Unlike anything else out there now.
- Hillsong Live - God is Able....nothing like Hillsong when it comes to rocking out worship.
- Darius Rucker - Charleston SC, 1968...Look I know it's Hootie....but the dude can flat out rock a country song!
- Keith Urban - Get Closer....who doesn't like Keith...I wish I could play guitar half as good as him....
- Karosene Halo - Really love the stripped down versions of some cover songs. Very well done...Love Derri's voice.
- Lee McDermentt - I have never heard a hymn redone as well as his updated version of Go Tell It....I so want to do this song like this!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
So let's dump:
- I'm flattered to be a part of the discussion about the future of 242 Church. While, I have said I would take on the role of pastoring the church on a part-time basis I want everyone to know they are free to choose to go in a different direction if they feel that's where the church needs to go.
- We mentioned this morning how having the pastor go part-time will allow the church to bring on a couple of other part time staff persons. Here is what we are thinking.
- First, a part time administrative assistant/congregational care director. This person would handle all the churches phone calls, paperwork, finances, in addition to taking care of hospital and shut in visits. It would allow us to have one person we can call for almost everything...which is something that we just don't have now.
- It will also allow us to hire a part-time Children/Youth Pastor. Right now the most pressing need is finding someone to run the Sunday morning kids program, but we also have a host of kids going into JR and SR high school that need to be taken care of. Till now, we just haven't had the resources to do it. Bringing someone in will go a long way toward making that happen this fall.
- As always, people can email anyone on the Commission about what's going on and with any questions you might have. Feel free to email me about this stuff as well :)
- The vote will be held in two weeks be sure to have all your questions addressed before that time...not that we won't answer questions after the vote! Ha Ha!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
So let's dump!
- Heard some of my sons bands songs today. Very good stuff, they are in the studio three more days this week putting the finishing touches on them. Proud of the boy. He really works hard at his craft.
- I watched the World Cup today. Never again...Soccer is still the most boring sport in history....I would rather go to an opera than watch soccer....at least at the opera you know when the fat lady sings it's over....soccer never ends.
- On a more personal and serious note, God has been stirring some things up inside me lately...which is good and bad....that usually translates into a message or two at some point :)
- Nice day at church today...enjoying being back at 242....looking forward to fall when everyone is back most every week...
- Only 3 weeks left till vacation....bring it on!
- Making some decisions. Always leads to counting the cost....still excited about the possibilities...
- Time to head to bed....peace out everyone!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Should the church accountant be the one called the "worship pastor"?
Should the church accountant be the one called the "worship pastor"?
The title of this blog and question that I ask is not one I am totally serious about - but I do have the question of how we have overwhelmingly defined "worship" to primarily be music and singing.
I have become very aware of the power of words—and the power of defining words. In the Christian culture we have created I don't believe we can ever assume anymore when we say the terms "gospel", "Jesus", "salvation", "inspired", "evangelical", "evangelism", "missional" etc. we all mean the same thing. I have learned (and sometimes the hard way) that you need to be asking definitions of terms with specific meaning to understand how someone else uses a term that may differ from your definition.
One of these terms is "worship".
If you were to ask most teenagers and young adults what comes to their minds when they hear the word "worship" it will likely be singing. I understand why they do, as we have pretty much defined worship to them over the past 20 years or more as worship = singing. Now it is totally true that we worship as we sing. But that is only one aspect of worship. We have subtly taught (in my opinion) a reductionist view of worship limiting it primarily to music and singing as what defines the word and practice.
I try to pay attention to reasons why we define worship mainly as music these days. And it is not too difficult to discover. What do we call the person in a church who leads the band or singing? It is normally the "worship pastor" or "worship leader". When our music leaders say, "Let's now worship," that is when the singing begins. When a sermon begins or when the offering is received we often don't say ""Let's now worship" like we do when the singing starts. When we think of Sunday gatherings of the church and when does worship happen, we generally think of the singing - not the teaching or the sacrifice of people who are worshiping by volunteering time in the children's ministry or other things happening. You look the Christian albums and as we call them "Best of Worship" or "Worship Greatest Hits" that reinforce the idea that music is the primary—or even only—form of worship. I just read on a Facebook post how a group was bringing in a guest person to "lead worship" and of course this guest person was a musician.We constantly, constantly reinforce by how we use that word casually all the time that it primarily means music and singing.
I recently attended a college-age gathering, and after the time of musical worship ended (I personally try to always say "musical worship" ), the person up front who announced that the offering would be taken referred to it as a time of sacrifice as we give our finances as an act of worship. The word sacrifice really stood out to me as being defined with worship.
I also fully am aware that there are times when "worship" occurred without any actual physical sacrifice. but when you study the whole of the Bible, you will see that worship so often involved the sacrifice of something. Romans 12:1-2, after the first 11 chapters teach on the act of Jesus and His sacrifice for us, tells us to "offer our bodies as living sacrifices." This kind of sacrifice includes all areas of our lives, and it is costly. We choose to refrain from something we may otherwise want to but is could be sin, so we sacrifice aligning ourselves our ways to God's ways. The Old Testament was filled with times of coming to worship and sacrificing something. Generally something that was costly with animals or grains.
What is intriguing is that as we primarily define worship as singing, in terms of sacrifice - singing doesn't cost us too much. We mentally and emotionally bring ascent to our thoughts as we sing and focus on God. But we aren't really sacrificing something. Are we? Maybe I am wrong and would love to hear other thoughts. But it is pretty easy to come into a room and sit and then "worship" by singing (which is worship). I am super glad in our church we have worship times of singing. So I am not saying at all that I don't thoroughly believe we worship in major ways as we sing. But what I am saying is that worship through singing doesn't involve much sacrifice or cost us. It is probably one of the least sacrificial ways we do worship. Worship it is of course when we sing. But I can't say it is too much sacrificial worship.
As you look at sacrificial worship, in today's world what are the two most sacrificial things that do cost us something as we worship? It seems to be our time and most of all, our finances.
At the college-age gathering I attended, I watched the bags being passed around for the offering, and maybe one out of every 20 people put anything at all in the offering bags. I fully understand that people give online, and people may give bi-weekly or monthly, so this isn't an accurate representation of how much actually was given that morning. Still, this interesting to watch response to the request for financial sacrifice served to illustrate how easy it is for us to worship God when all that is required is singing a few songs, and how difficult it is for us to worship God by giving financially or giving up some of our precious time.
In hyperbole way, I have been thinking about why we use the title of "worship pastor" or "worship leader" to designate the person who leads an area of worship that doesn't cost us to much to participate in with our singing songs. So why don't we switch the title to the person who does lead or oversee the area that people generally sacrifice the most - is finances - so shouldn't the title of "worship pastor" or "worship leader" be the person who oversees the finances of the church? Usually the church accountant. Isn't that person the one who truly oversees the most sacrificial worship of the people of the church, not the person who leads the music when people sing?
Now in our church, we don't do this. Our bookkeeper is called the bookkeeper. It would be confusing calling the accountant the "worship leader". We actually try not to use too many titles for people and on our bulletin we don't even distinguish between paid staff and key volunteer leaders in our church leading major areas of ministry.
But I am curious about whether anyone also has thought of this? Whether we unintentionally have reduced the power and true meaning of the word worship by generally assigning the title to the person who leads the music? Have we incorrectly and unintentionally taught youth, young adults to think of worship primarily as singing by how we title roles and use the term? Try listening in your church gatherings to how the word is used during the gathering. I know in our church we try our best to always say what aspect of worship we are doing. "Let's now worship God as we sing" "We are now receiving our sacrificial worship of giving finances" etc. Even on our actual offering envelope it says "Sacrificial Worship" instead of just giving or offering. Try paying attention to how you generally see the word "worship" used in the Christian world in general. It is fascinating. Words matter. Definitions matter.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Hard talk this morning on how to handle things when friends let us down. I gave a few examples of times in my life when I've been hurt by others. I could have given a host more...which leads to my closing point. If you are going to do anything in ministry, pain is just a part of that.
- We talked about needing to pray that God would give us thicker skin and a softer heart at the same time. It's not easy but we all need growth in those areas.
- Some big decisions to make this week. Would appreciate everyone's prayers for April and I.
- Going to be planning a fish fry for sometime over the next few months. Gary Nissley has offered up enough Walleye and Perch to feed a little over 100 people. If you'd like to help us plan this thing let me know! I always love it when I can give people the basic ideas and let them run wild with it!
- April has only 3 weeks left at work! She is scared and excited at the same time!
- Praying and seeking....Praying and seeking.
- Reminded again this morning about how we need to get out of the Lighthouse! If you know of a place that we can meet let me know....we need a room that can hold 75-100 people plus 3-4 classrooms. Would prefer to have a church meeting location that is on a main road where we can get some signage on the street.....we don't ask for much do we?
- Well I better get outta here!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- So this morning we talked about truth. Learning to accept the show up with the truth in our lives and face reality. Not an easy message when you start talking about looking at our own sin.
- Great to see Cori stepping up and leading more from the keys....nice job with the communion meditation!
- With all the extra help we were set up in like 20 minutes today. I didn't know what to do, so I found a quiet spot and prayed. In fact, everyone is welcome to join me between 9:25-9:30 and we'll pray for our church, the service, our members, and the community before each service.
- Spoke to several new people who talked about how much they've enjoyed the church and the messages. That's nice to hear. Hopefully, we keep seeing growth!
- Next weekend Craig is taking a group over to serve breakfast at the City Mission before church. Let me know if you want a chance to help cook and serve, we'll get you in the right place at the right time!
- On a personal note, I haven't been sleeping good at all! I run in cycles where I just cannot sleep....would appreciate your prayers to get through this season of it.
- Not sure what I am teaching on next week...Time to start thinking about that....I am outta here!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Really nice to be back at 242 again and had a blast teaching. Some messages are just not fun to teach but this mornings was a joy. Love hearing people say God meant that for them because they really needed to hear it. For those that needed it, I hope and pray it's more than just something you hear, now live it!
- While I was planning on teaching this morning we were not planning on leading worship. Man, my fingers are seriously not in guitar playing shape right now. Do you have any idea how bad they hurt today? I know, you're thinking...what a baby! But hey, my fingers hurt!
- Loved the cafe style seating at the lighthouse. Really helps with the vastness of the space. I know that is a tad weird for some (OK, everyone used to sitting in rows!) but it does make the place feel way more intimate.
- Thank you to everyone who came in early to help us get the place set up. You guys are awesome!
- Had some really nice conversations after church. I know some people just needed to get some things off their chests and I am glad I was able to be there to help with that :)
- Lot's of work to do in the coming months at the church....here's just a sample
- Plan a couple of projects to build on the rummage sales success and finish off raising the rest of the $$ for the matching grant (one of them WILL be a fish fry...)
- Work on getting more people connected to each other.
- I could go on....but, I think I would bore everyone!
Monday, June 20, 2011
242 I'm Back
I had been thinking it was time to take a season off from ministry and help April as she gets started in Law School. But, since the vast majority of the work involved is from home, over the computer, and over the phone it's a perfect fit allowing me to serve as God wired me and allowing April to focus on school.
Looking forward to seeing everyone soon :)
Friday, June 3, 2011
Jake's got a couple of months to enjoy being a graduate then it's off to college. Let's hope and pray that his love and interest in music moves him through the college ranks and into the work world as a producer....
Saturday, May 21, 2011
I'm Still Here...
Now, I don't want to sound crazy because I didn't believe it was the day at all....but I just felt this overwhelming burden that said what if it is? Over the last two days, I felt the Holy Spirit begin to lay on my heart the faces and names of all the people I know that haven't yet met Jesus. Honestly, I've felt an overwhelming sense of sadness for them. What if it was today? How many family members would have missed out? How many of my friends would have missed out? What about my students? My children? I mean they accepted Christ when they were younger but are they really his?
I can say this, I don't want to make fun of the crazies that predicted the end of the world as we know it. I do however, want to use their foolish mistakes as a reminder that sometime, someday he'll come and until that day I want to reach as many people with God's love as possible. I want to be about my fathers business.
Without Him I can do nothing....with Him all things are possible.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump (Monday Edition)
God calls us to do things in his time and for his purpose. We move based on that and not our ideal circumstances. How fitting. Whether the move is personal as in I need to do something or corporate meaning the church needs to do something....we move when he calls us, not when we're ready.
So let's dump about this principle a little:
- Maybe God is calling you to step up into a ministry role and you are waiting for somethinto happen first....stop waiting and do it.
- Maybe God is calling you to change careers, stop waiting for the perfect situation and do it.
- Perhaps God is calling your church to take new ground but your afraid finances are going to hold you back....take a step of faith and do what he's calling you to do and trust he'll provide.
- Maybe you've had a longing to start a family but you're waiting for the perfect job first, or building up more money...you'll never have enough of it...so just do it.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I'm getting there.
Ok, all jokes aside, the classes have been a little rougher this semester. I just seem to have no motivation to write or work on them. Perhaps I'll feel more like it in the summer but who knows....at least for now it's good to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'll have 3 classes and an internship that consists of me writing a handbook for professional development this summer. Then 2 classes in the fall and my merry go round of classes should be over. I think I am done now....I am not doing anything else...and YOU CAN"T MAKE ME! LOL.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- 242 has been up and running a little under a year. It launched this morning. Simply awesome!
- Over the last year, they've lost a pastor and yet God provided.
- They are running well ahead of the average in terms of attendance and giving in the midst of a sluggish economy. God provides.
- The new pastor has become a friend of mine and I call it a privilege to be able to coach him and work behind the scenes helping the church in whatever way God allows.
- Even though we are not at 242 every week anymore I am still praying for you guys regularly.
- They are doing a killer job of getting people connected in meaningful ministry positions and the church really looks great on Sunday mornings.
- Loved seeing new faces this morning. For those who haven't been a part of a church plant before understand it takes time, lots of time, to grow a church. It's not normal to grow rapidly, in fact, most churches couldn't handle it anyway....you grow slow and steady....with some spurts in there for good measure.
- Loved seeing the kids ministry taking steps forward. Looking really good!
- Stay humble and listening to God and good things are going to happen @ 242!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump (Monday Edition)
So let's dump!
- Since we were in SC over the weekend we took the opportunity to visit Newspring Church (Perry Noble's Church.) Here are a few things I learned from going there.
- Hands down the best worship team I have ever seen or heard. They sounded incredible. It was amazing to hear them completely rocking out and yet seeing 2500 people worshiping along with them. Loved it!
- Getting into and out of Newspring isn't easy. So many people coming and going its like being at an amusement park at opening time. Anyway, its a chore. It demonstrates that when a church has momentum and God is moving in a place people will do whatever they have to do to get theirs butts in a seat.
- Literally every seat was taken and they had ushers helping squeeze people into any open seats. How many churches have that problem?
- Perry breaks the mold when it comes to preaching. Yesterdays message ran about 45 minutes. Everything I've read says a pastor should speak no more than 30 minutes. If you're good, all the rules can go bye bye.
- Enjoyed our visit. But, glad to be home!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Busy weekend!
- I got my butt kicked on the tennis court yesterday. I served really well but I couldn't seem to do much else right. At least I got a good workout in!
- We went to Huntington to visit Chelsea after tennis. Long day! But it's always nice to go hang out with your college aged daughter for the afternoon :)
- Didn't go to church at all this weekend. We were so tired after yesterday we slept in a little and when I got up I worked on writing a paper that was due today. Got it done in a few hours.
- Our dinner consisted of Baskin Robbins tonight....guess who thought that one up?
- Spent the day watching the masters. Almost felt sorry for the kid who imploded after leading for 3 days....almost....he's only 21.
- Next weekend we are going to be out and about and we are going to go visit Perry Noble's church....that should be fun!
- Well...April is telling me I need a shower again....geeeesh!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Light Bulb - It's not too late...
I couldn't sleep last night and for some reason I got up around midnight to use the rest room and the word Light Bulb came to mind and I realized that this week marks the 11 year anniversary of my Dad's death. Seems like every year around this time I end up taking stock of the loss and God reveals some new truth to me. Last night, as I was unable to sleep, I think he did it again so I'll share it with everyone here.
My Dad wasn't around much when we were kids. He worked for the Railroad and as such he was on the road for half the week and when he was home he was often catching up on rest. He was always at our ball games and taking us places when he could. I would say he was a good Dad but honestly we weren't all that close. Something happened as I got older. He stopped working on the railroad and did some other things for work. He and my Mom divorced.
For my Dad, the life in his 40's was a tough go. In many ways it seemed like many things were going wrong...failed marriages, ministries not living up to expectations, loss, heartache, and much more. For him it was a tough time. For me those years were actually good. You see, Dad when everything else was falling apart actually became much closer with his children. I was in my 20's and Dad would still call every couple of days just to see if all was well. As a result my Dad moved from being a Dad to being a Dad who was also a friend. It was through that changing relationship our relationship actually grew very close.
Last night that was my Light Bulb moment. This morning it continues...we do that same thing with God. We are so busy with life many of us don't make time for those we love (God) until we get to the point were things start to fall apart for us....it's at that time we make time for the relationships that matter. I hope and pray I am making the right time now for both my kids and my God.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
- Most churches have the same problems. Those problems all stem from the same place...sin in our lives...good leaders find God inspired ways to overcome them. They help people move beyond the stronghold of sin in their lives, others can't seem to move people past them....thinking about some of the issues we had at RL and seeing many of those same issues being played out at various other churches over the last few years gives me a perspective I wish I had 5 years ago. When God provides the next opportunity for me to take on pastoral ministry in a church, I think I'll be better prepared for that...and no I don't want to give examples :)
- Thinking about the concept of being a missional person and being a part of a missional church. WE SAY we are missional, yet we have the hardest time releasing people into their missions. Most of us in ministry don't equip as well as we should, we don't recognize God's calling on others enough, and we don't tell people when it's time for them to leave our church and pursue what God is calling them to next. Got to see an example of that tonight and it reminded me again how we don't do that nearly enough. We build people up to serve under us, but what if God is calling them to do more than we are doing or are able to do?
- Reminded again this week how difficult the job of a lead pastor is. Everyone has an idea of how things should be done and they are certain their idea is God inspired and correct. We can't all be right now can we? If your idea is right don't badger your pastor, threaten your pastor, or try and shame him into doing what you think is right. Talk with him about it. If he doesn't agree with you pray about the situation and try and see things from his perspective. If he still doesn't agree with you and you are unsettled submit yourself to him and his decision about it. If you still can't get peace about it, perhaps God is stirring something up in you and it's not really about the church as a whole. Consider the possibility that God is calling you, and not your church, to do something.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
So, Let's dump:
- As of now April and I are without a church home or anything to do. Feels odd...
- Praying that CPCC embraces Steve and Tamara and they are able to move the church in a direction that God dictates.
- A great bunch of folks at CPCC. Honestly a nice group of people.
- We are going to continue to take some time and just wait on God....as I mentioned before, we think we've got a place we want to hang out at while we are taking a pause from ministry. We've been there a couple times already and it feels nice.
- Got tons to do this week and I am really looking forward to spring break. A few days with nothing going on to just clear the mind will do me wonders!
- Thinking PF Changs sounds really tasty tonight....I'm not going there...it just sounds good :)
- Jake got to fill in at a church in PB today and it looks like he's going to be filling in one more Sunday next month. That's cool for him as he's been wanting to play at church for some time....plus he got to help out Aaron Hammitt and that isn't all bad....if you are in looking for a church in Perrysburg consider Grace United Methodist :)
- Well I better call it a day....April wants the computer.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump (Monday Edition)
So, let's dump:
- April and I didn't do any church related work last weekend. That's the first time in a long time. I almost didn't know what to do with myself, almost.
- We did spend a lot of time with our kids this weekend and took them to a local church on Saturday night, sleeping in on Sunday. How nice was that, very nice!
- This is my last week filling in at Central Park. It's bittersweet. I enjoy the teaching and the people there...But still feel like God is asking April and I to take a break from formal ministry. She's going to have so much on her plate in just a few months I just want to give her some space to unwind (well, as best as she can anyway!) and rest up so she is ready to go in August. Law school is going to be almost all consuming for her....she needs a rest.
- We've sorta found a church we think we might want to hang out at, we'll see if we still feel that way in a month or so. It's just big enough we can hide a little but not so big you can't get to know people.
- I will say, spending so much time in ministry over the years has made me way more critical of how others do ministry, and that's not healthy...from music to teaching it just seems like I am internally critiquing others rather than enjoying what God is doing through their church/ministry....that attitude has got to go.
- Thinking quite a bit about the controversy over Rob Bells book Love Wins. I'll admit, I haven't read it and probably won't but have we as a church gotten to the point where we can't question the things we've been taught and honestly say "I've got questions" without being labeled a heretic? Admittedly, I do not subscribe to his theological assumptions, but still do we have grace enough to allow him to sort this out? I'm not going to call him a heretic for the questions...I would not have him speak for me, or attend his church....but still, do we have grace enough to allow him to question? I'm not sure we do...
- I better get to my lunch....those kids will be back in here soon enough.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
So let's dump:
- Taught today about the cost of being a disciple. Being a cultural Christian is easy, being sold out is much harder and comes at a cost.
- We are not going to be at CPCC next week. One more week at that church then we are going to take a step back and just wait on God.
- My daughter is home from college this week. Always nice to have my little girl around.
- Went to Compelled church again last night. We enjoyed ourselves. Not sure if it's going to be the place we choose to hang out at for the next year or so, but it's a nice place.
- Praying for 242 and their needs. Finding the right worship leader isn't easy for anyone, it's even harder for a new church in a small town.
- Looking forward to spring break. April and I are going to a friends wedding in SC. Warmth and sun...can I get an amen for that?
- Doing a little tutoring after school for the remainder of the year...
- Jake has my drums. Looking forward to getting those back so I can pound and thrash a little this summer. Soon as the weather breaks and he can play his in his garage...
- Well...I am out for the night...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
So let's dump:
- Really had fun speaking at Central Park today. We talked about the importance of being planted in a church. I can't stress enough how big a deal it is...get planted and connect with others...God created us to be relational....why would you want to fight him over it? He made us that way...I am just reminding you :)
- Looking forward to hearing from God about whatever he's going to lead us into next. Believe it or not, the last year has been great for April and I, and I for one am excited. I have zero clue what that's going to be, I just want to be there for the ride.
- Looking forward to being able to visit some friends at their churches while we are waiting on God. I LOVE getting out there and seeing God at work in other churches. It gives you a much bigger picture of him when you can do that. Sometimes we tunnel vision when we've been in one church for a long time. It's not a bad thing to be in a single church for a long time (that's a good thing!) It's just that sometimes we need to see how God works in other churches...
- Getting excited about tennis coming up in a month or so. I am so out of shape it's not even funny....who would joke about that anyway! LOL!
- April and I are going to be in South Carolina for a few days in April. We're going to swing by Perry Noble's church for a service. Been wanting to do that for some time...
- What are we supposed to do on Sunday's without football? I seriously get bored...I get a nap and all, but there really needs to be something on in the spring!
- Someone needs to show up at my house with a carrot cake. April doesn't like it so I never get one.....I miss carrot cake.
- I am out of here....she says I need a shower....I think perhaps she has a negative perspective tonight :)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Enjoyed teaching today. When I am away from it for long I forget how much I enjoy it. I'll enjoy it while it lasts and we'll see where God takes us from here.
- Went to visit another church here in town last night. They did an hour and a half worship service. What a treat to just spend that extra time singing...April and I were both horse from it!
- Enjoyed the Snow days this week. I think that's about over and it'll be back to the grind until summer gets here. Only 3 short months until I am home free for a little while. Of course, I am taking 12 more credit hours this summer to finish up my Ed.S degree, which should be completed in the fall.
- Enjoying some reading right now. I run in spurts where I read heavy and spurts where I don't...not sure why that is?
- April and I are leaning toward taking the remainder of our year long sabbatical after we are done at Central Park. I need some time to get away and just listen to God's voice again. I do love teaching and ministry, but both of us need that....unless he steers us otherwise, that's most likely where we'll be.
- I am out for the day....enjoy your day!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump (Monday Edition)
- An interesting first day at Central Park in Toledo. Still not sure if it's the right place for April and I long term but glad God has given us the opportunity to step in and provide some help for them over the next few months.
- We sang a couple of songs with just April and I on the guitar. Very nice and loved hearing people passionately singing with us. Very cool!
- After church we had lunch with an old friend (we'll o.k., not a friend who is old per se! But a good friend!) It was nice to catch up and hang out for a few hours.
- John and Shelley came to Central Park Sunday...since they are two of my favorite people in the world that was awesome to see!
- After church and lunch we went over to my old HS and watched Bree Lauer to her drumline thing. Very cool and a great job to all the kids in the drumline!
- A few things I am chewing on this week: Why is it that spouses see things so differently? Still pondering how and why God placed us with people that are so different that us guys? (No there aren't any marital problems! Just me thinking out loud)
- Why do we allow the way we worship in church define us? Traditional people hate modern worship...people that do modern worship can't stand traditional worship....I mean I have my preferences, but does it really matter since we worship in spirit and not by the actual style of worship? To me it's a cultural thing and not a worship thing.....we take that cultural thing and turn it into a war..It's a war that's gone on in churches for years and if we stayed at Central Park it's likely a battle that would be fought again....just questions I am pondering.
- I guess it's time to end this rant and move on to something more productive.
- Night all.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump (Monday Edition)
- Our last day at 242 church. What started as a short three month help get a new church off the ground commitment turned into much more when we lost a good friend and pastor. I am very grateful to everyone at 242 you guys were and are awesome to April and I. You've got a great pastor in place now and I look forward to helping coach him through the church planting process!
- I am looking forward to seeing what God does at 242 church. You've got a great foundation laid and you just need to build upon that. The momentum at the church is real and tangible...Don't mess with momentum!
- Next week, and for the next few months, we'll be at Central Park church in Sylvania. Still not sure if it's were God is calling us to be long term but I know that God put some things in place for us to go there and help out. We'll be praying about the long term, all while enjoying serving him there over the short term.
- Took Jake to HU for his music scholarship audition today. That kid has so much talent it makes me sick! He completely rocked the audition piece he had to play and the professors seems genuinely impressed with him....now to see if they offer him some scholarship money or not....that is the question.
- Been praying about how to deal with some potential situations and ironically right after The Superbowl last night I think I got an answer. I actually put the scenario before my boy just to see what he thought about it and even he liked the idea...so maybe it's a God thing after all.
- Slept like doo doo last night....just one of those nights where I was so tired, yet completely wired and could not shut my brain off for sleep. I get that way from time to time. Let's hope tonight is better.
- Now that April is accepted to law school in the fall we are trying to get some additional things in order so we can afford to live on just one salary. By this summer we'll finally have the rest of Real Life's bills paid off (Thank You God!) and we are hoping we can be down to just our house payment by then. That will make April quitting her job to go to school full time much easier on us.
- For the first time in a long time I am really excited about what God is doing in our lives. He's brought us through so much, there's been pain, tears, joy, friendships lost, and friendships gained and it's all brought something to us. God is amazing like that....His promise really is true that he will use all things for Good if we seek him.
- I better get started on dinner. My bride tends to be a hungry little woman when she comes home from work! See Y'all late....
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
- Played tennis way to aggressively yesterday and threw out my back. To say my back is stiff right now would be an understatement....
- Loving watch Craig grow into the pastor I know he can be. So cool to see God using him at 242. We have some big things in store for the church I can promise you that!
- I love my Taylor guitar. Just saying I love it....
- Still trying to work out the sound at the Lighthouse...we found they have a back speaker cable and that is causing the sound to go in and out.
- Superbowl parties next weekend...If you need someplace to go let me know and I'll get you the address of 242's!
- Went to see Aprils uncle after church today. He's down to just a few days left in this life. Hard to see that happen, but we rest knowing God loves us more than we could ever know even when we don't understand things.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Leaders Vs Posers
1. Leaders: Run to the problem, the look at all the sides of an issue and then come up with a way to fix the problem. Posers: Ignore the problem hoping it will go away, out of sight, out of mind.
2. Leaders: Are not afraid to ask for help: Leaders want to learn more, if there is something they don't understand they look for people who can help and learn from them. Posers: Think they have all the answers.
3. Leaders: Seek out coaching help from people who have been there before. Posers: Are lone rangers afraid to expose themselves to other leaders, often they are afraid their weaknesses will show and make them look bad (see #2.)
4. Leaders: Understand they have weaknesses and bring in people who have complimentary talents and gifts. Posers: Bring in yes men (or women) who's purpose is to prop them up.
5. Leaders: Are teachers. They equip people and then turn them loose to do what they do best. Posers: Lord over their people afraid to empower them to make decisions.
Over the years, like many others I've been both a leader and a poser. The older I get the more I realize it's not about me and my talents its about bringing out the best in others. The best leaders are coaches who teach their team well then turn them loose. I want to be the best coach I can be.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
So let's get going with that:
- Things are going great at 242. Craig is doing ton's of things and connecting behind the scenes and that is going to pay big dividends in the near future.
- Some technical issues this morning we are going to have to work through. Just bought a new video switch to help with one of them.
- Loved reworking the Song "Fairest Lord Jesus." the way it came out was a little dark and I just loved it.
- Made the announcement today that April and I are going to be stepping away from 242 after Feb 6th so that we can help another church without a pastor out for a few months. We'll be at Central Park Congregational in Sylvania after that date. We're not sure it's the right thing for us permanently but feel like we need to go and help them get moving in the right direction.
- I am writing a once a month devotional for a new Christian newspaper. Check out www.pathwaycn.com if you'd like to read the paper and or my articles in it.
- April got admitted to Law School this week. Hurray for her! It's going to mean some major sacrifices for us for a few years but it's something that's been a long time coming for her. She's excited and a little scared about it too!
- Enjoying some football today so I am going to get off this Crazy computer and watch it!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
So let's dump:
- Talked about the differences between a slave and a son today. I am glad I am one and not the other that's for sure.
- Not our best day musically, yet God was praised and the kingdom moved forward.
- Looking forward to having time to work on some other church related things.
- Enjoying the playoffs...too bad none of my teams are in them this year.
- Great food today at the pot luck. If there is one thing April loves....It's a church pot luck.
- Hoping to get a snow day sometime...
- I am out of here...I need to get some dinner!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
So let's dump:
- Great day of worship today. It's amazing what difference a week makes.
- Felt much more at home speaking today than last week. Some messages are harder than others and today's was an easy one.
- Great seeing all the new faces at church. How fun!
- April is all excited about the Chili and Soup Cook-Off coming up in a few weeks. I have to say, for a skinny woman....she sure loves her food!
- Great seeing so many new people step up and help out a church. It's getting to where I don't have to do much of anything in the set up process anymore....Thanks to all who help with that!
- Something about the song "And That My Soul Knows Very Well" that just resonates with me. It was the perfect ending for our worship experience today too.
- Bree is doing a killer job playing the Cajon. Next week, we'll get to see Tyler give it a shot. What a big day for him!
- My bass amp is on the fritz...ugh....now I have to find someone to fix that :(
- Enjoying playoff football....so many surprises this year.
- Classes start again tomorrow. Not sure what that will bring me, but I can say I am getting closer to being done with the program.
- I am outta here.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Sunday Mind Dump
So let's dump:
- We talked about addictions and getting free from them today. It's a passion of mine, yet I never felt like I hit my stride teaching today. You have days like that and you just have to leave it up to God trusting you did your part.
- Talking about losing some emotional luggage next week. I am pumped about that.
- Spent a lot of time over the holiday's with friends and family. Loved that. Great fun!
- Started a let's get Jeff to loose 50 lbs plan last week. I am down 7lbs so far. Course, the first 10 are always the easiest.
- Only 1 more weekend until Craig comes on staff at church. Looking forward to that.
In many ways I've tried to avoid leading the church and have been more trying to just keep the church from moving backward. That's tough for me, but it was the right thing to do and I am looking forward to being able to gain some ground again. - Music was just OK today. Not much energy in the place or from us. We'll have to work on that!
- I am going to start writing a monthly devotional for a local Christian newspaper. You can find the paper at this address: www.pathwaycn.com.blog if you want to check it out.
- Enjoying football this afternoon. Think I'll go enjoy more of it :)