Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

Way to much going on to try and get it listed here. So, I'll try and hit on some of the bigger stuff.
  • Band sounded great today. We have one of the best bands in town period.
  • A nice finish to our Parenthood series. Much needed. Parents remember this when your kids make poor choices and choose to do their own thing even though you know the outcome isn't what you'd prefer remember IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.
  • Love the way Aaron sings Take You Back awesome.
  • Our building is getting way too crowded with all these kids. Seriously, we are looking for a new place. Not sure when we'll find one or where it'll be but we need one.
  • Porn Sunday next week. Sweet.
  • Remember we also are having a clown for the kids next week!
Outta here.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday Thoughts

I am sitting at church on a Saturday waiting on a visit from a friend and wanted to share some things that I have been thinking for the last few weeks. If you feel led pray about them:
  • Our church home is getting too small. We either need to find a bigger place or get more creative in how we are running church. Maybe going to multiple services at some point or changing the set up of the whole building. Right now, we are about 10 people away from being out of space.
  • We have a huge opportunity to reach out to some hurting people. The problem, they all need rides to get to church. We either need a large church van, a bus, or a slew of people willing to swing by and pick up a car full each week.
  • We need more leaders here at Real Life. All the new faces we are and will be seeing is going to demand people step up and take a group of people and disciple them. Either we need to raise them up or God is going to have to send them to us. I prefer we raise them up :)
  • Friend day is tomorrow. I predict good things are going to happen....see you there.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


People talk a lot about church growth. I understand why they do it, and in a sense I do as well. The hard part about measuring and quantifying church growth is that most people look at one thing butts in seats. While that is one way of measuring growth it's probably not the most effective way. Church growth is, at least in my mind, a whole host of things that when you put them together you get a picture of what is happening in a church. Butt's in seats is fine and it's easy to measure...after all everyone can tell if your church is full right? But, butt's in seats can never measure the spiritual temperature of a church. Butt's in seats cannot measure the heart of a single person in a church.

Here are some ways I am measuring our growth as a church and some examples of how we are doing:
  • Serving: How many people in a church are actively serving in a ministry somewhere.
  • Serving @ RLC: We currently have 86% of the adults in our church serving in some capacity at church.
  • Giving: Where your treasure is there your heart is also right?
  • Giving @ RLCC: Even in these tough times we are a little ahead of budget. In fact, last week we had highest Sunday ever in terms of the number of people who gave to Real Life (notice I didn't say the highest in terms of dollar amounts....I am more impressed at the number of people who are beginning to make giving back to God a priority) God provides for all of our needs. I have been blown away by the number of people who are stepping up to the plate and giving....Thank you....that is growth.
  • Ministry: How many people in the church are willing to give to others and expect nothing in return.
  • Ministry @ RLC: WOW...our people are giving rides to church, donations for single mothers, sacrificing your time and talents. The Bible says "as you have done it unto the least of these you have done it unto me."
  • Worship: Are we worshiping God or putting on a show?
  • Worship @ RLC: The people are getting more passionate about worship weekly and you can see it reflected in the way the band leads.
  • Teaching: Are people growing spiritually
  • Teaching @ RLC: If you have attended any of our LifeSupport groups you'll know people are asking deeper and deeper questions all the time. It's so cool to see the people at RLC growing.
  • Butts in seats: Are people coming to church?
  • Butts in seats @ RLC: We are growing on a steady basis that is awesome.
I am so blessed to be able to lead this church. It's really an honor and I am stoked about the things that God has in store for us. As Perry Noble says "hang on to your forks something good is coming."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Great Meeting

April, Tony, and I had a great meeting with some very cool guys last night. We talked about our church and where were are wanting to go and how they might be able to help us. Looks like they are going to be a really good fit for us and over time should be able to help Real Life. Good things...very god things. We'll know in a week or so whether we are going to progress with them.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

What a great day today. Tons of things to dump let's go :)
  • The band sounded killer this morning. Key's were a great addition today!
  • Aaron sounds great. Love that last song.
  • I am really getting into this parenting series. Next week is the Finally...oh yea...and friend day....who are you bringing?
  • So today we learned a few things about parenting: We should expect/work toward cheerful and first time obedience from our kids. Second, We should never discipline in our anger. Lastly, we should discipline promptly with instruction and reconciliation.
  • Next week we'll talk about what to do when your kids make bad choices.
  • Great to see so many new faces over the last few weeks. How sweet is that?
  • We need a bigger place to hold church. Be on the lookout and let me know if you see something that would work for us. Our lease is up in July and we really need to start looking.
  • The band did a great job playing at the Lodge dedication today. Very cool...we made some contacts and gave away a lot of Real Life stuff :)
  • That's it I am out of's been a really LONG day.

Friday, March 20, 2009

This weekend

This Sunday we are going to cover something in church that everyone of us with kids deals with and that is discipline. The simple fact is, all of us struggle with disciplining our kids on some level. From feeling guilty about punishment to feeling like we're being walked all over we've all been there. This weekend we're going to take a hard look at what the Bible says in terms of disciplining our kids.

Also, remember try and make it out to the lodge to hear the band and mingle with the people. It's going to be a good time :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

A cool day at Real Life. Some great things going on behind the scenes...OK...So, let's dump:
  • Parenting message number are the basics...If you want to be a good parent you need to do three basic things. Spend lot's of time with your kids, give them lot's of affection, and tell them repeatedly how much you love them. It's Biblical and it works.
  • Jake did a good job on drums again today. I think I get way more nervous than he does:) What a proud papa!
  • Next weeks message is going to be killer.
  • Nice to see some new faces today....a ton of kids.
  • Web cast back up and running today...very good.
  • Thinking about going to a men's conference in May. Any takers? Seriously, who wants to go?
  • Our lease is up at the end of July and we have to make some decisions about whether we stay or find something new. I like our's cheap and works but it does have some limitations that are painfully obvious. If you know of a place that would be good for us let me know. We haven't made any decisions yet....just looking at our options.
  • Three weeks til Porn Sunday. I am sure it will be should be.
I am out for now. Peace!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Tomorrow is going to be a great day at Real Life. We are going to be talking about the principles of parenting. We're going to be covering the three T' will be glad you did. Everyone of us with kids has something we can learn.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

What a lazy and rainy day. Needless to say the time change hit us all like a ton of bricks this morning. Everyone was dragging a bit. So let's dump:
  • Great start to the Parenthood series. It's tough to teach on something everyone know you aren't perfect at.
  • The key to successfully parenting our kids is simple: Love God first....Second Lead your family.
  • Music was great today. The band was really tight this morning.
  • Only 3 Sunday's left till bring a friend to church day! Who are you bringing?
  • My back is really acting up after bowling last night. Talk about getting old. Man does that sound lame or what? I did bowl 2 games over 100 so I am satisfied with that!
  • Some great things on the radar for the church.
  • Really looking forward to summer. I need a little warm weather and sunshine right about now.
  • 2 weeks until the band plays the dedication for Strawberry Park. It's going to be a great chance to meet and greet. You should try to get out there :)
  • My daughter graduates from HS in a few months. Do you realize how stinking expensive that is? She needs a and a party for a few hundred people. Dang. Talk about rough!
  • Small group Tuesday at the Hammitts. Should be a good time. I cannot wait to talk about parenting with everyone.
I am out. Hope everyone has a great last few hours of the weekend spending time with the people they love.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I could not be more excited about starting our new series Parenthood tomorrow. The fact is, most parents are winging it and they know it. Tomorrow we are going to start looking at what the Bible says about parenting. I promise this is going to be one of the most practice useful messages we have ever done at church. Everyone is going to walk away from the series with something to think about and talk about. Even if you don't have kids you are going to learn some great things about sending the right messages to those in your life.

Remember....Time change tonight....maybe we need a special door prize for the people who forget?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bring a Friend to Church Day

Not that every Sunday shouldn't be bring a friend to church day but coming up on March 29th we are going to be doing so really awesome things for our friends. We are talking about giving away free professional quality 8X12 family photo's. We are talking about fund games and prizes for the kids. We are talking about messages on building stronger families....Messages on something that touches every one...Pornography (pun not intended.)

Gonna be some cool stuff in addition to the already fun stuff we do every weekend. These are great times to call Real Life home :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Some Great Reading

Saw this post from Perry Nobles web site....dang it was awesome.....Read and enjoy!

Often when I am speaking I will say something like, “I felt the Lord say to me…” AND, just as often as I make that comment I will have someone ask me, “How do you hear God’s voice?”

Let me be very clear…I’ve never heard Him speak audibly to be…I am quite sure I would crap my pants if that happened! BUT…I did want to share four ways that I believe the Lord speaks…at least I know He has used these ways in my life…

#1 - God’s Word

God speaks LOUDLY through His Word…it is living and active (Hebrews 4:12)…and NO ONE that I’ve ever met has screwed up their lives by submitting their lives to the Scriptures.

God’s Word IS God’s will…and I believe more people would hear His voice if they would stop asking Him to say what they want Him to say…and spend some time focusing on what He’s already said!

#2 - God’s Spirit

The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit comes to dwell inside a believe at the moment of salvation. (Jesus talked about this a lot in John 14-16.)

One of the promises we have from God all through the Bible is that He will never leave us. Ezekiel 36:26-27 tells us that His Holy Spirit will literally move us to follow His ways.

#3 - God’s People

I can’t tell you how many times the Lord has used godly Christian friends to get me back on track.

Please understand…I’m NOT talking about people who come up to me with “words from the Lord” and such. (Another post, another time.) I’m talking about men and women who I know love Jesus…seek His heart and listen to Him.

Many times God has used great Christian friends to speak to my heart…and they didn’t even know it! They just happened to say something and the Holy Spirit was like, “Hey man, that was for YOU!!!”

#4 - God’s Church

I remember the first few times I went to church I would listen to the pastor speak and ask, “How did he know I was going to be here? He’s talking about me!!!”

Has that ever happened to you? You were sitting there and began to wonder, “did someone email him and tell him I was coming? He knows WAY too much about me!”

I can honestly say that I believe that happens every Sunday to someone in a church that honors the preaching of God’s Word!

When we show up with a sense of expectation…there is often revelation. And pastors…if we stay faithful to His Word…He will use it to accomplish things in the lives of the people who attend our churches in ways that we could never have imagined.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

A really great close to our series on Death today. Loved the Jeremy Camp song. So let's dump:
  • I am kinda ready to be moving on to a different topic. Death, Hell, and Heaven needed to be taught but I am ready to move on.
  • The band is doing a killer job. They are getting better all the time.
  • Some great comments and questions throughout the entire series. You guys are awesome.
  • Been cool seeing some new faces over the last few months. I can't wait to see the rest of them.
  • Bring a friend to church day comes in 4 short weeks. I talked about some folks I have it's your turn....who are you bringing?
  • Kicking off a new series called Parenthood next week. This thing is the bomb get yourself and every parent you know to church. Next week we are going to hit the book of Proverbs and find out exactly what it is we should be making a priority in our lives so we can train up our kids.
  • I hear dinner calling my name. I am out for now....see you all soon :)