Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

What a great day today. So let's dump:

  • Really enjoyed having David and Billie with us. Hope they are able to come back and hang again soon.
  • Bad football day. No good games anywhere.
  • Enjoyed having me daughter in church again today even if she was dead tired.
  • This economy is really kicking our butts this was our worst month by a mile. Not good.
  • The Harvest party is coming in two weeks.
  • You get me teaching again next week. We are back to our series "Disciple."
  • Open mic in two weeks. Should be fun.
  • I think I need some dessert. April is really wearing off on me.
  • Loved David's reasons why we should support missions :)
I am out!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This weekend

This weekend we're hosting David and Billie Blessing. David is Jeanie Blessings son and a missionary on Guinea. They have a great story about their lives in Africa. I encourage everyone to invite friends and family that have a heart for the hurting and broken in the world to come and hear their stories.

We are going to be taking up an offering to support their ministry. Rather than pick a single day and making a plea to help them here's what I'd like to do: You pray about it and if God lays something on your heart put it in the offering box by October 18th. We'll write one check to cover whatever was given by that date.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

A nice day all around :)

So let's dump:
  • I decided a few days ago that we were not going to do a message today. That we would have a time of worship then release everyone to head out to the Out of the Darkness Walk. What a great day for it.
  • On that note, it was really great to see so many Real Lifers out there. Pretty much everyone showed up. How cool is that!
  • Next weekend David Blessing is coming by to talk about his life in Africa as a missionary. It will be a good time and very eye opening for many of us.
I am out. It's been a long weekend!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Touch Football and Worship

Ever played two hand touch football? It's fun but it's not really the same thing as full contact football. In full contact football you really need to go all out all the time or you risk being hurt. If you try and play it safe and protect yourself you find that your doing things that will actually put you in the position to get hurt. In football, the safest way to play is full on.

Now some of you are wondering why the title touch football and worship right?

Ok, now I am getting to that. Most of us worship God like we're playing touch football. We worship quietly and safely. We purposely worship God so as to not expose ourselves to him. I believe God is calling us to be full contact worshipers.

What exactly does that mean? It's actually simple. Pursue him with reckless abandonment. Forget about the things that this world has to offer and instead offer yourself up to God no holds barred. If you feel like dancing then dance. If you feel like raising your hands do it. Sing, dance, and give it all to him. The Bible says we should never be lukewarm because God would spit that out of his mouth.

We need to be full contact worshipers. Let it fly. Don't worry about getting hurt....let it all go for him.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

What a great weekend!

So, let's dump:
  • Open Mic night was a big success. It was so much fun having so many new faces come into church to play their music. I cannot wait for the next one in Oct.
  • I finally felt comfortable playing guitar and leading worship again today. I've been out of it for a year and a half other than some fill in stuff and I was a little rusty :)
  • Tough message today. Here is the cliff notes version. As followers of Jesus we are to do what he did. Here's what he didn't do...spend all his time in church hanging out with people who where already convinced. Here's what he did do...spent his time with people no one else wanted around. That's what we need to do....spend time with those people no one wants around.
  • It's been my prayer since we started that as a church we'd see people come through our doors that no one else wants or can reach. Those are usually the outcasts. We are called to be a church of outcasts. I for one fit right in!
  • Have I mentioned how much I enjoyed open mic nights?
  • Split the kids classes up a little different today. Seems like it went well.
  • Love our volunteers. You guys are the best.....we couldn't do this without you!
  • Next week we are talking about something most people have some experience with....going fishing.
  • Got a nap today. Granted it was only a half hour or so....but, it was still a nap.
  • NFL back with a vengeance today. My fantasy teams are holding their own.
  • Going to Trezzo's to watch the Bears and the Packers. Question for Tony "Does it hurt less when the Bears loose in HD?"
I am out....have a blessed one :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday Mind Dump

Great weekend. How nice has this weather been? So let's dump:
  • Spares attendance today. Course we knew it woould be do to the holiday. Such is life! Enjoy your time away guys and gals.
  • Probably one of the most needed messages today. If you were not in church make sure you give it a listen on the web site.
  • Music felt good today.
  • Went to visit my daughter at college yesterday. Not homesick at all!
  • Open mic night coming up next weekend. Looking forward to that big time.
  • The new kids ministry set up starts next weekend. Should really work better for the kids.
I am's too nice to sit on the computer :)