Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Darker Side...

A GREAT post by Tony's true of all people...not just pastors. Tony Morgan's page...

The Dark Side of Pastor Appreciation Month

I always blame Hallmark for the “holidays” that nobody ever heard of that suddenly pop up on the radar. I’m sure it’s just a vast right-wing conspiracy to sell more greeting cards.
“Pastor Appreciation Month” probably wasn’t a Hallmark invention, but it sometimes it feels a lot like Grandparents Day or Sweetest Day or many of those other invented holidays where the prospective gift-receiver is left wondering, “If people don’t recognize me, do they really love me?”
I appreciate pastors. I really do. Many of my best friends are pastors. My brother’s a pastor. I was a pastor. You don’t have to convince me that pastors have a challenging role with unique stresses and rewards.
Having worked with hundreds of pastors across the country, though, I know you. I know your tendencies. I know your vulnerabilities.
With that, here are some things to consider…
  • You’re setting yourself up for disappointment if you are expecting appreciation. When we our surprised by someone’s kind word or gesture, it has a bigger impact. When it’s expected, you’ll never know if it’s genuine and it’s unlikely it’ll ever meet your expectations.
  • You think you have a tough job, but there are people in your congregation that have tougher circumstances. You are not unique. If you ever get to a place where you think your circumstances are far more difficult than anyone else’s, that’s a sure sign that you need to see a counselor.
  • You may be pushing people away who don’t have appreciation months. There are factory workers, administrative assistants, CEOs, food service workers, homemakers, insurance salespeople and many other professions that don’t get entire months to be appreciated. Don’t alienate the people you are trying to reach by expecting appreciation that they will never see.
  • If your church appreciates you, I sure hope you’re effectively appreciating them. Remember, God designed honor to go both ways. What are your strategies and systems to make sure the people in your church are honored in the same way you feel honored every October?
  • When we spotlight the role of the pastor, it downplays the role of God’s people doing the work of God.Lifting up the role of the pastor can be a dangerous thing if it deviates the church from embracing the priesthood of the believers. We need to be careful that we don’t embrace a practice that reinforces poor doctrine.
For all the pastors out there who are reading this, know that I do appreciate you. Thank you for doing what you do. Thank you for your leadership. Thank you for your teaching. Thank you for helping hurting people. Thank you for loving people enough that you don’t want to leave them where they are.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

It's Been a While

For a season I took my blog off line.  I wasn't sure I wanted to keep blogging, I wasn't keeping up with the page, and honestly, blogging is sort of a thing from the past.  I mean seriously?  Who is blogging these days? 

Over the last few days God has made a few things clearer in my life and one of them is that he wants me to expand my duties and increase my spiritual influence as a writer and speaker.  I'm not all that certain as to what that is going to look like, but for now, I'll bring the blog back to life and allow God to speak through me via this tool. I'm not sure how often I'll post, but I'll post more frequently than I have over the last year. 

God has take April and I through some incredible things and I'll begin sharing those very soon.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Stuff the Church has to Deal With...

Saw this post by Perry Noble and had to paste can click on the title and read it on his blog or here :)

Four Problems The Church Has GOT To Deal With! April 19, 2012

#1 – We are answering questions that no one else is asking.

I’m glad that we can debate theology and know terms that make us seem intelligent and cause other people to scratch their heads; however, at the end of the day people are not asking about the five points of Calvinism, the trichotomy or dichotomy of the Spirit or the peccability/impeccability of Christ! They are asking “why is my life falling apart?” Or, “how do I get past the fact that I was sexually molested when I was eight?” Or, “how do I, as a single mom, lead and provide for my family?”

Too many people are so obsessed with their theological labels, I believe, so that they don’t actually have to do real ministry!

#2 – We call laziness “authenticity!”

The church is the bride of Christ–established by Him, purchased by Him and pursued by Him! We have the promises of God and have been empowered by HIS HOLY SPIRIT! We should be doing things BETTER than Apple, BETTER than Disney and BETTER than Google! There is WAY more at stake with what God has called us to! And “Spirit Filled” should not equal poorly planned, thrown together and poorly executed! And…no one should say, “I’m doing this for Jesus” and then follow it up with a half-hearted, piss poor effort. When it came to redeeming mankind Jesus did not search the back corners of heaven to find some under-challenged angel who had nothing to do…HE came, HE did it, HE paid for the sin of the world!!! HE GAVE HIS BEST…His followers should do the same!

#3 – We use “discipleship” as an excuse to not do evangelism.

I’ve heard too many churches say that they are not reaching people because they are too busy making disciples. A few things to consider here…

ONE – EVERY disciple in the Bible was an evangelist!!! There is not one example of one of the original disciples that formed some sort of holy huddle and gave the rest of the world the middle finger! It is IMPOSSIBLE to become a DISCIPLE if EVANGELISM isn’t a part of the process!

TWO – I have found that every time people in a church says something like what was mentioned above it is simply because they do not know anyone that is lost!!

#4 – We are becoming political and neglecting the prophetic.

Let me be very clear…Christians can and should have political opinions! (Have you ever noticed that those who criticize Christians for having a political opinion always seem to have their own political opinion?) We should vote (and if you don’t then keep your mouth shut when it comes to our country and how it is led!) We should pray for our leaders as the Scriptures clearly teach.

However, the churches main goal should be to declare the Gospel, NOT advance an agenda of a particular political party!!! We should declare God’s message, God’s Word, God’s truth and in God’s way (see John 13:34-35!) Churches than get in bed with politics always wake up the next morning to find their lover gone!!! We should NEVER use the platform God has given us for an agenda other than HIS!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Politics and the Church..Some Ramblings

I enjoy Facebook. I like being able to keep up with friends some close to me now and others I once enjoyed the company of on a more regular basis. One thing I am not looking forward to is the soon to be coming onslaught of political speak that is sure to increase with the upcoming Presidential election. I enjoy politics, I enjoy a healthy debate on issues, and I detest name calling and belittling over disagreements. I can say this much, there are good people on both sides of the political isle that I care very much about....with that in mind here are a few of my thoughts about politics and the church:
  • My faith will NEVER be in any candidate or political party.
  • Collectively the church, I believe, does itself a disservice by investing itself so heavily in the process during Presidential elections...these are just men (and women) as Benjamin Franklin once said "we are not demi-gods."
  • Until hearts and minds are broken for the things of God, any victories it gets in the process are fleeting at best.
  • Jesus did not come to the earth to score political victories.
  • Will I vote? Yes, in fact, I just did in last weeks primaries...but I don't ever...ever want to get to the place where my faith, hope, and dreams rest in the hands of any politician or party.
  • I will say I am praying for the country, but not for a candidate to win.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Mind Dump

What a nice day out there! Started out with a great church service, moved to lunch with my daughter, a two hour nap, and now the best weather in about 6 months....that is a Sunday right there! So let's dump:
  • Finished up our series on parenting with a discussion about prodigals today.
  • Couple things to keep in mind if you want to reach a prodigal: Get serious with your prayer life...some things to pray for: the right friends, pray they get caught when doing wrong, and pray god will do whatever it takes to get their attention.
  • Learn to have unending patience! It's hard I know...
  • Love unconditionally.
  • Next week we are going to start a new series looking at some of the miracles Jesus performed and what that means to us....promise you're gonna like it!
  • We can't meet at the Lighthouse on March 25th-so we are going to meet at the Greek Garden....just for that one day :)
  • I am so excited about what God is going to do at 242 Church I can hardly contain myself! We are believing for some big big things!
  • Next week we are going to do a new song hand picked by your's truly as the theme for the series! Hope it grows on you!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Mind Dump

What a great weekend! It was honestly off the charts good! So let's dump:
  • Best Chili Cook Off ever! A great turn out...good food...and so funny!
  • The highlight of the night was the comedian...Will McDaniel was very funny and the kids had a ball!
  • Congrats to Tina Lamb! She had the chili with the most points and won the contest.
  • The night was topped off with a lock in for the kids...Shout outs to John, Kelli, The Emily's, and JT for staying up all night with the kiddos!
  • Message this morning on disciplining our kids. So important. A couple of things.
  • Allow your kids to feel the consequences of their teaches them the concept of reaping and sowing.
  • Never discipline you kids when you're angry...Ephesians reminds us "in your anger do not sin." As parents, it can be easy to cross the line if we are disciplining when we are angry.
  • Next weekend we'll talk about how to reach our kids when all seems lost.

I am outta here!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Mind Dump

It's Sunday...that can only mean one's mind dump time! So, let's dump:
  • John taught this morning on the subject of what our kids really need. He did a great job on it too!
  • I am enjoying playing the drums every week. Still getting used to it though...I've always been a guitar player or a bass player and now...adding being a drummer into the mix is a tad weird...but, if it brings glory to God and helps build his church I am all over it!
  • Next weekend is the Chili Cook Off....really excited about that...should be a hoot!
  • Also...we are bringing in a comedian for the event! That will be fun !
  • Better get back to my Sunday afternoon laying around time...I never get that any other day...not at anyone else does either :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Mind Dump

What a great Sunday! Let's Dump!!
  • For starters we had our first Pancake and Sausage breakfast...A huge thank you to Kala, Alisa, JT, and Dennis for making it guys are the BOMB!
  • Love where we are as a church right now. God has some great things on the radar...couldn't be more excited about them.
  • Started a new series today....talking about parenting...Could be one of the most important topics we cover all year.
  • We talked about two things today...first, we have the ability to change our families for generations if we do two things: Love our God and Lead our families.
  • Be intentional about it!
  • Really enjoying playing drums at church. It's been a long time since I've played them and it's a little slow getting the grove back but it's coming back slowly but surely!
  • April missed church today because she was working on an appeals court about a boring pain in the rear! I love her though and she's great at what she does!
  • Better get off this crazy computer!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Mind Dump

I love Potluck Sundays! So much food and fellowship...they really are a great time....although it was soon as we left church April was telling me she was already hungry again...She is a trip! So let's dump:
  • Great food and fellowship...I know I already mentioned it but you can't say it enough!
  • Had our church business meeting today, approved a budget, and talked last years finances.
  • Also...we announced today that we have raised the initial $15,000 for our matching $15,000 grant. Can I just say right now how awesome that is! God provides!!
  • So many big things on the agenda for this year...I am really excited about where we are as a church.
  • Working on some new message series...I can promise you won't be dull :)
  • Someone (to remain nameless in order to prevent a liable suit) was taking pictures of me today in order to highlight the fact I wear Hawaiian shirts and sandals in the winter in that is so strange!
  • I better get back to work. The rest of the MythBuster series isn't going to write itself!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Mind Dump

Some days you feel great teaching and some days you don't. For me, today was one of those days I felt like I had tunnel vision and wasn't thinking as clearly as when I wrote the messages. Some days are just plain better than others! So, let's dump:
  • A heavy teaching day...the MythBusters subjects were very difficult and the room was fairly split on how they felt about the questions before I presented my answers...That makes for a tricky answer! No matter what you say someone isn't going to agree with it!
  • I do want to say a huge thank you to everyone who volunteers and makes 242 guys are awesome :)
  • Next week is our 5th Sunday message...just fellowship...I love it!
  • Also, we will have our all church business meeting after the potluck. We'll go over the finances from last year and talk about this years budget. We'll also talk about a few things we want to do this year....should be fun!
  • Took a 2 hour nap today after church...that ALMOST never happens!
  • Now, on to some Chili and Football!!!
  • I am out!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday Mind Dump ( Monday Edition)

Yesterday we kicked off a new teaching series called "MythBusters". As part of this series, I am answering the questions asked by members of 242 church. It was a lot of fun answering the questions and honestly, messages like this help keep me theologically and intellectually, let's dump:
  • Question 1: Does God still speak to us: Yes, primarily through the Bible, Occasionally through visions, dreams, circumstances, and people, and very rarely audibly.
  • Question 2: What does the Bible say about race: We are all one people. Genetically speaking the different racial characteristics are a very small part of our genes.
  • Question 3: Does the Bible mention dinosaurs: I believe it does. See Job 40...
  • Question 4: Can a person partake in communion without being baptized? Yes...
  • Question 5: Can God create a rock so large he cannot lift it? No, not because he's not powerful enough, but because it would go against his nature...
  • If weren't in church I suggest you go to the web site ( and give the message a listen...I think you'll enjoy the message and perhaps learn something!
  • Great day all around for it when we have to pull out extra tables and chairs to seat everyone!!!
  • Next week we have more difficult subjects....I can't wait!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Mind Dump

Some days I just love being able to was one of those days! There is just something awesome about standing before God's people and allowing God to speak through you in a way that buildts peoples faith in him. It's awesome and very let's dump:
  • Talked this morning about what do we do when God has promised us something but it doesn't seem like it's fact, many times, it seems like it's getting worse and not better.
  • It's at times like that we need to remember our circumstances do not have to be at 100% for our faith to be at 100%. We trust God in spite of what is going on around us.
  • Next week we are starting our mythbusters series...I can promise you's going to be fun!!
  • I think this morning was the best the band has sounded in a long time...we played and sang guys are awesome!
  • Looking forward to the end of the month....yep, you guessed it, it's potluck Sunday!
  • Loved seeing people singing, raising hands, and worshiping this morning...Awesome!
  • Time to watch some football!
  • See ya!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What's more important-Knowledge or love?

Every now and then I read something that I just fall in love with and today was one of those days. Here is an article written by Francis Chan (one of the best Bible teachers out there)! Enjoy!
I've enclosed the link at the bottom of the story if you want to check in out at it's original source.

Francis Chan: What's More Important—Knowledge or Love?

Francis Chan: What's More Important—Knowledge or Love?
Your brilliance is worthless if you’re not building up your brother—and even worse if you’re destroying him with your knowledge.

Knowledge is essential, but it’s not sufficient. It takes knowledge for me to write this. We need to think. We must know the truth.

But knowledge alone is not sufficient for the Christian life. It’s not enough just to have knowledge. That’s why Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:2: “If I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.” Think hard. But know that it’s not enough. Paul says even if he had all knowledge but didn’t love, he would amount to nothing. In other words, you can be brilliant and worthless.

It would be like a great basketball player who never misses a shot but keeps shooting into the opponent’s basket. He may say, “I was five for five today from the three-point line,” but his teammates would respond, “But you’re killing our team! You’re shooting at the wrong basket!” He answers confidently, “But I did not miss.” That is the kind of attitude that Paul is confronting here. You might be brilliant, but you’re killing our team. You’re not building up the brothers; you’re making them feel dumb and wounding their conscience. You’re not stirring them up to love and good deeds. You just keep making them feel inadequate. By your knowledge, this weaker brother is being destroyed!

Your brilliance is worthless if you’re not building up your brother—and even worse if you’re destroying him with your knowledge. So when you look at people, do you love them? Do you think, Let me use my knowledge to build this person up?

What Christians Say to Each Other

So often when I read statements on blogs (or tweets)—comments that brothers will write to those who are supposed to be fellow brothers—I think, “Where is the love?” It burdens me. I can’t believe some of the things Christians say to each other in person—and maybe especially online (when you don’t have to look them in the face). How is what you’re saying supposed to build that brother—or anyone else who hears it or reads it? Our knowledge should be pressed into the service of love. It should serve to build each other up. That’s what love does. It builds up. It looks to help others, not hurt them.

True Knowledge

It is such a danger to puff yourself up and imagine that you’re a brilliant person. It’s like the school bully who imagines himself as the hero because he is the strongest. He can beat anyone up. But everyone else knows that he’s not a hero but a jerk. If he were a real hero, he would defend the weak. He would be lifting them up, using his strength to care for them and protect them, not to bully them.

In the same way, with biblical and theological “knowledge” come the intellectual bullies who seem to know so much and imagine themselves to be so knowledgeable. But Paul is saying that they may be only imagining that they are knowledgeable, because if they really knew, they would use their knowledge not to weaken others but to strengthen them. Not to tear them down but to build people up. That’s what love does.

A Closing Challenge to Thinkers

Thinkers, let’s not fool ourselves: To “be conformed to the image of [Christ]” is what we were predestined for, right (Rom. 8:29)? We’ve been predestined to walk as Jesus walked. It’s great if we have thought hard about Jesus and wrestled with doctrines such as predestination, but my prayer is that this information becomes true knowledge and that we actually become like him and that our knowledge doesn’t make us arrogant so that we gloat about it and show off what we know. My prayer for me, and for you, is that everyone we come in contact with would feel our love for them and be built up. That they would see the fruit of our having said, “How can I lift them up with this knowledge that I have?”

Let’s not fool ourselves and imagine that we know so much. Maybe we don’t know anything at all. Maybe some of us have been using our knowledge to tear our brother down and hurt that brother for whom Christ died. Let’s not be guilty of the Corinthian error.

So I’m asking God even right now as I write these final words that he would give me love for others. Oh, God, let me believe what I’m saying. And I hope that you would think through your words and how you can build others up and think about others as brothers and sisters in Christ—so much so that when unbelievers see it, they will have a glimpse of God.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday Mind Dump ( Monday Edition)

What a cold and windy day to start off a new year! That said, it was still a great, let's dump:
  • Started a new 2 week series based on the book Sun Stand Still. One of my favorite stories and prayers found in Joshua 10. Awesome God sized miracles and faith!
  • We talked about the notion today that if their is something in our lives that's too big for us to do it's just the right size for God.
  • Praying a Sun Stand Still prayer means you might have to march (or pray) all night long for it to come through. God wants to see our faith before he turns on his power.
  • Next week we'll look at what do we do when we have a Sun Stand Still type of prayer but we haven't yet seen God move? What then?
  • Some really cool things on the agenda. 242 is going to have a huge 2012!
  • Over the next month I'll share some of my Sun Stand Still prayers for 242.
  • I am out!