Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Praise God

To say that the last few months have been personally depressing for me would be an understatement at the least. They've been tough. On top of that, I have been dealing with some health problems over the last few years that have taken their toll on me. From Gall Bladder disease (Thankfully, surgery cleared up!) To Insomnia, to arthritis it's been tough.

The arthritis has probably been the toughest for me. It's in my spine and causes me to have aches and pains at a time when most people are getting refreshed. When they are sleeping. For the last few years I haven't been able to sleep at all without pain and anti inflamitory meds. Even with those I usually wake up after 5-6 hours because I can't physically lie down for any longer without enough pain to wake me up.

I have been praying for God to take this from me for years and honestly I'd given up on praying about it. I know that is sad coming from a pastor type, but I am human and frustration got the best of me!! Anyway, yesterday I slept for 7 hours and woke up without pain or stiffness for the first time in about 5 years. I spent yesterday praising God quietly for that. I woke up again today the same way....completely pain free. I am praising God again for this blessing.

Am I willing to say I have been healed completely from it? Not yet....maybe soon... But I am willing to praise God that he saw fit to give me hope and relief that I had begun to think I would never again see.

Thank you to the God that still heals.

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