Sunday, May 2, 2010

Readings, God, and His Leading

Over the last few weeks I have been doing some reading on the corporate church. It's clearer than ever to me really, in many ways, how little the church concerns itself with restoration of the broken and hurting. Churches, corporately, tend to care about that which they can measure. That which they can produce and see tangible results. You can't measure restoration of the broken. Yet that's really why we are here isn't it? I mean Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost, and to heal up the broken.

I myself am guilty. It's much easier to build a program that to concern ourselves with restoration of the broken. Not sure, what the answer is to this right now and to be honest if I had a nice 3, 5, 0r, 10 step way to fix it then that would in essence be just creating another program to try and produce the desired results.

I had a conversation with a great friend today that got me thinking along these lines today. It's amazing sometimes how God speaks in one area of your life then confirms that word in another. Not sure where any of this is going....but still glad to know God is speaking to me.

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