Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Band practice and critics

April and I just got back from band practice tonight and I am pretty dog gone impressed. Tim's lead guitar stuff sounded awesome. John's drumming was spot on, and Tony is coming along really well on the bass. The band sounded great tonight. I can't wait for this weekend something just tells me this is going to be a great weekend at Real Life.

You know it's going to be a great day in a church when people complain. You know something is going right. In fact, we have had a couple of complaint phone calls today from people who recieved one of our flyers in the mail which tells me that something must be working to get people all upset over a picture of a turtle with the words "stuck" on it! I was actually waiting on the calls. I've kind of learned that anytime you do something like that people get upset that you made contact with them.

The funny thing is, it's usually other Christians who get offended at you mailing them something. The last time we did direct mailings we actually had another pastor call the church upset that one of his people got a direct mail card. He accused us of trying to build a church at the expense of his congregation. How sad!

I actually felt sorry for the guy. I reassured him that, in fact, we were trying to reach those without a church home and the only way we can do direct mail (effectively) is to get a card to everyone in a neighborhood. As I was talking to the guy I was thinking, if your not in the market for a new car it doesn't matter how many times a car dealer sends you an ad, you're not going to buy. If his people were not in the market for a new church, it shouldn't matter what his people were sent because they were not in the market.

I love church planting. What a ride!