Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Roller Coaster Week

This sure has been one of those roller coaster weeks. Very busy and all over the page in terms of emotions. As a church we are all in shock over the loss of Shelly's son TJ. We are getting ready for the funeral, in fact, I just finished the message for that. That message was one of the hardest things I have ever sat down to write. I do think that God is going to use it in some really powerful ways. In fact, it might just be my best work in ministry. How many times can you say that about a funeral message?

On the exciting side we are prepping for our Christmas series. April is getting all the new songs ready and the band will start working them out tomorrow night. For Christmas, we are doing a candlelight service that is going to be un-plugged. We'll just a guitar, a bass, and a couple of voices. I have also been thinking about doing communion as well. It's tough to do communion in a seeker friendly church for a whole host of reasons. We'll see if God gives me the Green light on that one.

Our message series is called Christmas is.... and it's all about forgiving those who have hurt us. Going to others and seeking forgiveness for our wrongs and Learning to forget what has happened in our past. I am looking forward to it. The My Secrets series was awesome but very heavy and this will be a much needed break for me personally!

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