Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday Mind Dump (Monday Edition)

So normally I write my Sunday mind dumps on Sunday but yesterday was a bit longer than most days and I didn't have the energy to write it until Monday. Hopefully, the extra day makes me smarter or more witty or something :) So, let's dump:

  • Our last day at 242 church. What started as a short three month help get a new church off the ground commitment turned into much more when we lost a good friend and pastor. I am very grateful to everyone at 242 you guys were and are awesome to April and I. You've got a great pastor in place now and I look forward to helping coach him through the church planting process!
  • I am looking forward to seeing what God does at 242 church. You've got a great foundation laid and you just need to build upon that. The momentum at the church is real and tangible...Don't mess with momentum!
  • Next week, and for the next few months, we'll be at Central Park church in Sylvania. Still not sure if it's were God is calling us to be long term but I know that God put some things in place for us to go there and help out. We'll be praying about the long term, all while enjoying serving him there over the short term.
  • Took Jake to HU for his music scholarship audition today. That kid has so much talent it makes me sick! He completely rocked the audition piece he had to play and the professors seems genuinely impressed with to see if they offer him some scholarship money or not....that is the question.
  • Been praying about how to deal with some potential situations and ironically right after The Superbowl last night I think I got an answer. I actually put the scenario before my boy just to see what he thought about it and even he liked the maybe it's a God thing after all.
  • Slept like doo doo last night....just one of those nights where I was so tired, yet completely wired and could not shut my brain off for sleep. I get that way from time to time. Let's hope tonight is better.
  • Now that April is accepted to law school in the fall we are trying to get some additional things in order so we can afford to live on just one salary. By this summer we'll finally have the rest of Real Life's bills paid off (Thank You God!) and we are hoping we can be down to just our house payment by then. That will make April quitting her job to go to school full time much easier on us.
  • For the first time in a long time I am really excited about what God is doing in our lives. He's brought us through so much, there's been pain, tears, joy, friendships lost, and friendships gained and it's all brought something to us. God is amazing like that....His promise really is true that he will use all things for Good if we seek him.
  • I better get started on dinner. My bride tends to be a hungry little woman when she comes home from work! See Y'all late....

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