Saturday, December 24, 2011

While you're away

So, for the last week April and I have been on the west coast with a little get away I had promised her before she started law school. I love traveling because, for me, I can leave my work behind (for the most part) and just veg out a little. Many times, I'll take a book with me and read that, but this time I didn't even do that! I just wanted to get away, pray, and listen to what God had to say to me.

It's interesting how God speaks. Here we were in one of the most traffic laden places on the planet (LA) and in the midst of all the sights, sounds, and life that is LA I found myself spending time alone with God. I started praying that God would reveal himself to me and speak to me. I can honestly say he did just that....The message was a private one, but something I really needed to hear from him.

I would encourage each of you to do whatever you can to get away for a while. Maybe you don't need or can't take a trip across the country. But, you can turn off the computer, TV, and buzz of the cell phone for a few hours on a Saturday and just listen to what God is saying with his still small voice. I promise you that when you do, it's amazing and you'll leave that experience with God a better person and feeling like a million bucks :)

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