Monday, February 4, 2008

Sunday/Monday Mind Dump

Sunday was a great day at Real Life. The band played really well together and everyone was having a great time worshiping God. We are really starting to come into our own with who God has called us to be as a church and that is a pretty cool thing. So let's dump:
  • Attendance and giving have been steadily rising. Not that those are solely measures of success but they are measures of ownership in a church and that is a good thing.
  • The band is getting really good and I love being a part.
  • The message yesterday by Pastor Craig was awesome and a little more in your face than people are used to. That's a tough pill for some to swallow but it's a message that so many people needed to hear.
  • Really excited about the rest of the series Mind Your Own Business. There are some great things to come and people are going to see some life change if they can get a hold of it.
  • The super bowl party was a lot of fun and I am already looking forward to next year and doing it again.
  • John Myers won the grand prize. I am bummed but the guy can make some Chili!
Be ready. Next week we are going to flat out bring it in terms of learning to become and live debt free!!!!


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the introductory segment of the Mind Your Own Business series. It really shocked me to know that I hadn't really thought about what my vision was, or where God is calling me to serve in my life. I guess I better get praying, huh?

Jeff Renner said...

I am glad you enjoyed it.

We really don't think about a vision in terms of of our finances but if we are going to be good stewards of God's resources we have to. April and I have sat down over the last worked on a plan for what we see God doing with and through us and we want to make sure we are in a place financially speaking to do it.

See You Sunday!