Monday, October 17, 2011

Sunday Mind Dump (Monday Edition)

What a fun day at 242. We had one of our largest attended services...very cool. So, let's dump:
  • Loved the message yesterday. I don't know about you but I needed to hear it too. Although, I will say never felt like myself while teaching it yesterday. I felt like I was tripping over my words all have days like that...
  • Only two weeks till our breakfast potluck...needless to say, April is excited!
  • I had a very busy and full weekend...I need a weekend to recoup from this weekend!
  • So, yesterday we talked about our actions and how they should reflect our faith....we all need to put our money, actions, lifestyle where our mouths are.
  • Working on some technical issues at the church. Hopefully the lighthouse gets them together over the next week.
  • Gary Nissley did a great job with the Fish on Sat....very tasty...If you weren't there you really missed it!
  • Really excited about the next teaching series....more on that in a few weeks!
I am outta here...I need to get to work today!

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