Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You gotta do what you gotta do....

Been doing a lot of reading lately when God hit me with something pretty profound...I am doing a lot of listening to others and not nearly enough listening to him (ouch.) Talk about a painful thought....So, I feel like I am going on a little bit of a media fast. For the next month or so I am blocking out all other books, leaders, and ministries and just listening to God. Actually, I have been doing that for the last week or so and it's been kinda nice just hearing God speak without distraction. Not that listening to others is wrong or bad. The Bible say's "in a multitude of counselors there is wisdom." I believe that and I try to follow it.....but there are sometimes when God's counsel alone is what you need.......that's where I am right now.....just trying to listen to God speak..........If you are hearing too much clutter in your life....consider tuning every other voice out so you can hear God speak clearer.

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