Monday, October 5, 2009

Ever Noticed?

Ever noticed that some people just seem to cause problems every where they go? They blame it on others, they say things like "I just call things like I see them," and they just don't seem to fit in anywhere. I don't know why but this afternoon I was thinking about some people I know and have known that seem to fit this description.

Maybe it hit me as I was doing a little reading in the book of Proverbs is what Proverbs 4:16 says: Evil people are restless unless they’re making trouble; They can’t get a good night’s sleep unless they’ve made life miserable for somebody.

We need to understand that there are some people that sow seeds of destruction pretty much every place they go. The go from spouse to spouse because the "other person" isn't meeting their needs, they go from job to job because they see incompetent leaders, they have a hard time keeping friends because we've all let them down, and they go from church to church in search of a pastor or church that does what they like.

Sadly, in church circles, sometimes this group of people are very talented which makes them desirable people to have in church. They are often gifted musicians and teachers (notice I didn't say leaders.) This group of people often comes into a church seeking leadership position and place of influence. All the while they fail to grasp the basic concepts and precepts of the church. They use talent to try and work their way to the top. They fail to understand that in God's model of leadership a person doesn't ascend into leadership they serve their way into leadership.

If you've got people like this in your church get them out of any type of leadership position as quickly as you can. If you don't you're asking for bigger problems down the line. If you have people like this as friends or family pray for them :)

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