Friday, August 13, 2010

Successful Marriages Part II

Yesterday, I wrote a post about successful marriages and what they look like. The key to a successful marriage is teamwork. Today, I am going to write the top ten things a person can do to sabotage their marriage by acting selfishly. This is by no means a scientific list, just some reflections of mine. Part III of this blog series will come tomorrow or the next day on the top ten things you can do to strengthen your marriage. I'll share the more healthy solutions to these issues...

Top Ten Things Selfish Things a Person Can Do to Sabotage Their Marriage.

10. Invest all your time in activities that take you away from your family.
9. Develop a circle of online friends that you keep hidden from your spouse.
8. Bottle up all your emotions, thoughts, and feelings refusing to share them until the spouse guesses why you are ignoring them.
7. Spend time fantasizing about other people. Could be porn on the internet, Facebook, romance novels, etc.
6. Using rationale in your decisions. For example, He bought a new (whatever) so I am entitled to buy a new (whatever.)
5. Putting your spouse down as a way to make you feel better or look good. Could be in front of them or others. Either way, it's still wrong.
4. Lying about places you've been, things you've done, or people you've seen.
3. Keeping a separate web presence that your spouse isn't allowed to see. Emails, face book, web pages, or whatever.
2. Expecting your spouse to meet your needs. Any needs.
1. Hiding finances.

These are in no particular order. Just observations. If you have something you'd like to add feel free to comment :)

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