Tuesday, August 24, 2010

We're All Overdressed

I've been doing quite a bit of playing around on the internet lately before school starts again and came across a mainstream Christian band that has a new album coming out called "Over Dressed." The basic premise of the album "stems from “the idea that we’re overdressed as believers and in the church—it’s talking about sin, depravity, shame—that we’re not who we were intended to be” but tend to try to disguise it." Wow, what a beautiful word picture!

We put on fancy clothes, we speak so eloquently, we do so many things to provide the appearance that we have it all together, yet we are a sinful lot of people. We turn from God virtually every chance we get. It's almost as if we daily cheat on a very jealous mate. We act is if our unfaithfulness is going unnoticed. It's not.

God in his mercy, allows us to stumble, fall, and get back up again. My encouragement for today is in knowing I don't have to be overdressed to come to God's table. He takes me just as I am, with all my faults, all my problems, all my hang ups, and my infidelity to him. He doesn't say clean up first he simply says come.

I love that about God. He just says come. Don't worry about the way you're dressed just come. Try that at many churches in America today....We have a long way to go....Thankfully, we have a God who is long on mercy and short on judgment. I wish more of us could find our way to where God is....

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