Saturday, January 29, 2011

Leaders Vs Posers

Just sitting home this morning prepping chili for the cook off and thinking about some leadership lessons I have learned over the years. Just my observations, feel free to take them or leave them :)

1. Leaders: Run to the problem, the look at all the sides of an issue and then come up with a way to fix the problem. Posers: Ignore the problem hoping it will go away, out of sight, out of mind.

2. Leaders: Are not afraid to ask for help: Leaders want to learn more, if there is something they don't understand they look for people who can help and learn from them. Posers: Think they have all the answers.

3. Leaders: Seek out coaching help from people who have been there before. Posers: Are lone rangers afraid to expose themselves to other leaders, often they are afraid their weaknesses will show and make them look bad (see #2.)

4. Leaders: Understand they have weaknesses and bring in people who have complimentary talents and gifts. Posers: Bring in yes men (or women) who's purpose is to prop them up.

5. Leaders: Are teachers. They equip people and then turn them loose to do what they do best. Posers: Lord over their people afraid to empower them to make decisions.

Over the years, like many others I've been both a leader and a poser. The older I get the more I realize it's not about me and my talents its about bringing out the best in others. The best leaders are coaches who teach their team well then turn them loose. I want to be the best coach I can be.

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