Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sunday Mind Dump

I had a blast today. I really really really enjoyed the message today. Can you tell? I think this was one of those things people just need to hear and I am honored that I get the privilege of being the guy to say it. We have such an awesome group of people at Real Life. From the little things that most people never see to the big stuff that people see. We have the best of the best in terms of people we really do. So let's dump:
  • I love seeing people bring their friends and family to church. That is the true test as to what people think. None of us will bring people to something we aren't happy with and proud of. When people bring people. I love it.
  • The band sounded good today. It is always cool to see your 14 year old boy up their playing an instrument and hanging with the adults. Can you tell I am a proud Dad?
  • Two words: Great cake!
  • I have an awesome wife. She puts up with quite a bit of razzing from the guys in the band.
  • We are in our second full month at the new location and I cannot even believe we were thinking the budget would be tight. We serve an awesome God.
  • Most people never see or hear about the things that make ministry awesome. We have so many little things that God is doing in the lives of our people and it's just so cool!
  • It was my wife's birthday. I thought I'd never hear it but she actually said "I think I have had enough dessert for a while, I'm getting sick." For those of you who know April. Wow, I never saw that coming.
  • Tony, awesome job telling your story today. You touched a lot of people.
  • The next month and a half is going to be a blast at me!
See ya!

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