Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Mind Dump

What a LONG DAY!!

Today was a great ministry day. Campus Life came and rocked the service today. It was so cool hearing the kids from campus talk about what God has done in their life. I love hearing stories like that and just being a small part of that ministry is a very cool thing. Worship was great today the band is starting to come together and really gel. We have a few things we are wanting to work on but still. They are awesome!

So Let's Dump:
  • Just got back from our concert at Elem3mt church in Blissfield. That was fun. It took us a few songs to really find our footing and gel as a band but it was great.
  • We are going to work on bringing more of the "coffee shop" feel to our church. We are going to be looking at doing some decorating and painting to bring that about. If you'd like to help paint or decorate give me a shout. We'll probably schedule a work day sometime over the next month to do some painting.
  • I am tired. I know why rock starts are usually so stinking skinny. If I played a 2 hour show every night I'd lose a tone of weight. Hey, there is a thought for a diet. The "Rock Star Diet." I have got to find a publisher for that!
  • It was awesome to see so many Real Lifer's make the trek up to Blissfield for worship. Thank You!!
  • We have a business meeting set for Tuesday. We are going to start talking about the newer ministries we are thinking of launching. Pray for that meeting. Some really big things are in the works
I need a shower and some sleep. Catch ya all later!!

1 comment:

Shelly Suchomma said...

I would be really interested in painting and helping the church decorate, give Brett and I a call when you are ready to do that!

I'm so glade that tonight went well for you guys. We didn't get back to town until 7pm so we couldn't make the show, plus we had been driving back for 3 hours, so we were a little "car-ed" out.

It was really weird not being there this Sunday, we can't wait for next Sunday. Hope you have a blessed week.
