Thursday, October 23, 2008


The last few months have been interesting for me. God has been stirring up some stuff in me and I wasn't sure what and why. Over the last week it's kinda hit me that really God is showing me (not that I didn't already know it) that I need to do a better job of staying connected to him as my source and strength. I have been falling into the trap of allowing myself to lean on my strength and understandings instead of being more closely connected to God. For Pastors, this is a tough thing to admit, the notion that we are not as close to God as we ought to be. Shoot, Did I just say that :)

Anyway, over the last few weeks I have been much more intentional about spending time in God's word. Not only does it bless me as I am renewed by God's strength, it blesses those in my care through better teaching and, to be honest more anointed teaching. All ministry really should be the result of an overflow in our lives. When we are so connected to God he is pouring more blessings into our lives than we can contain, or for that matter use we have no choice but to give it away.

That is the place I want to be. In a place where God is providing me more that I could ever need. The way that happens is when attach ourselves to him. One of the way's I am attaching myself to him is by spending more time in the word. Recently, I started using a new online Bible tool It's a cool online Bible with journaling capabilities. It has a ton of Bible versions and its a great way to keep connected to the source. I just added it to my favorites!

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