Saturday, October 11, 2008

Politics and the Pulpit

A few observations about presidential politics....

Every four years it seems like the church suddenly gets itself up in arms over the presidential elections. I have actually been in church and gotten lectured about how "important this election is" and how "it is clear God wants" this candidate or that candidate. The church seems to wrap itself up in presidential politics.

I want to make a few things clear. First off, it's every persons responsibility to vote. Do your part, do a little research. Pray for both the candidates and go vote. I believe each person in the church should and ought to go out and do their civic duty and vote on election day.

I plan on voting and so does my wife. We want to do our part to make sure our voices are heard. We want to do our part to pick the candidate that we feel does the most to uphold Biblical principles. But, at the end of the day I refuse to get all up in arms about who wins the election. Do I have a preference, yes, I do. But, my hope is in the Lord. Nothing, either good or bad comes to our lives without the Lords approval. I will not be upset if one candidate wins or if another one wins.

Here is the rub. Our hope is in the name of the Lord not in John McCain or Barack Obama period. As Christians, we shouldn't be looking to either of these guys as our hope or source. I have my preferences and I will vote on them. But, at the end of the day I will trust in God and his plans, not the plans of either candidate. Placing our hopes in either of these mortal men is a kin to giving them demi-god status.

Go Vote but put your trust in God.

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