Wednesday, May 28, 2008

One Prayer

I am really getting stoked about One Prayer. I have checked out the messages and they are awesome. Each pastor we are using for the series is different than the next and for that matter different than me. It's going to make for a cool series. We are going to hear the prayer and word of God taught from four unique perspectives in a single month. That never happens at a church.

Over the next week. I am going to be mailing a letter to each home inviting people to personally join the one prayer cause by fasting for one day and participating in a special one time missions project. We'll be supporting three different missions causes. First, we are going to give to David and Billie Blessing. The are missionaries in Africa. We are also going to use our spare change to give to Campus Life. They are getting prepared for a missions trip to the inner city of Chicago. Lastly, we want to support a local Christian camp.

As of today there are over 1100 churches with over 750,000 people taking part in One Prayer. These churches cross every type of denominational and cultural spectrum. This kind of event is rare. I am so glad we get to play a small part in it.

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