Saturday, May 10, 2008

Random Thoughts.

I was thinking today about how blessed we are as a church. We have been given so much for a church that is so young. We have tremendous favor is so many areas its an honor and it's also a little scary.

Think about this.
  • We have a kid to adult ratio of 1:1.5. In other words, for every 1 and a half adults we have 1 kid. Most churches have somewhere in the neighbor hood of 1:12. That is awesome. It does present us with some challenges but. I 'll take that any day.
  • We have more musicians than we can use on any given Sunday. Most churches struggle to have enough skilled musicians to field a whole band. We can fill two whole bands and both would be better than 90% of the churches out there. Again, it presents challenges getting people enough playing time but I'll take it.
  • Giving has ALWAYS been higher than the budget. We have NEVER had to decide what bill we were not going to pay.
  • In the last three months we have been given three computers. we now have four computers for the church.
  • We are a few weeks away from being able to web cast our worship experiences. Two weeks. Wow.
  • We have a killer kids ministry. I could not be happier with it.
  • We are going to be making some changes to the look and feel of the church to help with the coffee house aspect of our church. It's going to be sweet.
We have only been holding monthly worship for three months. Three months. We are a baby church and we have been given so much. I thank God everyday for all he has trusted us with.

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