Friday, July 25, 2008

Worship is a Lifestyle

This weekend we'll close out our worship series with the message Worship is a Lifestyle. This whole series was a long time coming for me. I have really wanted to teach on it but was waiting for the green light from God in terms of timing. I hope and pray that for all of us that are Christ Followers we have learned that worship isn't just something we do when we go to church it's offering our entire lives up to God.

This weekend we are going to talk about what that looks like in terms of a lifestyle of worship. This is probably my favorite of all the messages. I just finished the last touches on it this morning and I am really pumped about it. I think this week is really going to hit home for some people and I always love it when God reveals himself to us and we respond with a changed life.

This weeks message has a theme that God has been bringing up over and over again for the last year in both my personal life and in my teaching at Real Life. That's the notion that God's blessing in our life follows our belief and obedience to him. We see that principle in scripture yet we sometimes have this idea that God will ignore it in our lives and he just won't. His blessing is contingent on our obedience to him. Living a lifestyle of worship is all about that obedience, done with a willing heart.

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