Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Some Great Questions

We are getting some great questions coming in for our Myth Busters series in September. I was just writing a message that'll be coming in three weeks that actually hits on some of the questions being asked. Here is a running list of some of the questions that have been asked so far....
  1. Why is the Christian church so violent compared to other faiths?
  2. Is there really only one way to God?
  3. Why would the church want me with my past?
  4. Why is the church full of hypocrites?
  5. Why should I go to church since it is outdated and out of touch with reality?
  6. Why do does the church teach homosexuality is wrong?
  7. I hear preachers talk about getting a vision from God. I have never had a vision from God how does that happen?
  8. I would like to know the truth about Mary Magdalene. Was she really married to Jesus?
  9. Did Mary Magdalene and Jesus have a child together?
  10. Is that Really Mary Magdalene in the picture of the last supper?
  11. Why do we have so many denominations? What about Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses and Zoroastrians? Are they true Christians?
  12. What do I say to people who...think that the Christian Church is as violent/dangerous/extremist as Islam, specifically in reference to the Crusades?
  13. What do I say to people who say... say that the Church is full of "holier than thou" judgmental hypocrites who spend the rest of their week cheating on their spouses, taxes, etc.?
  14. What do I say to people who... claim that they are "true, authentic Christians," but also claim that there are many legitimate paths to God. In other words, they deny John 14:6 - Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me.
  15. What do I say to people that... think that we can't be true Christians unless we accept EVERYONE and their secular ideologies... homosexuality, pro-abortion, etc.
  16. Can you be a true Christian if you drink alcoholic beverages.
  17. What about people who think that a Christian's "blessed hope" that Christ is coming back for us at any moment is the biggest fairy tale of all.
  18. Halloween: Can I let my kids go Trick-or-Treating as long as I dress them in "wholesome" costumes and don't promote the more sinister side of the holiday?
  19. Christmas: Why do we have Christmas trees? Or hang stockings by the fireplace? Or sit our kids on Santa's lap? Those things aren't in the Bible. Why do we have 3 Wise Men in Nativity scenes? The Bible doesn't tell us how many wise men there were.
  20. Easter: Why do we have bunnies and eggs?
If you have something else you'd like to hear answered hit me with it.....I am going to start researching in a few weeks......time is running out ;)

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